Alpha Percy

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This is going to be a au where the seven plus Nico, Reyna, Luke, Thalia

Annabeth pov
Hi my name is Annabeth Chase. My father is the alpha of wisdom pack in Virginia, then we moved to New York over the summer.

My mom run out on us when I was really little and then my dad found his real mate Helen and I have 2 half blood brothers. But anyway that makes me beta.

I'm going to high school in New York. Goode high or something like that. Dad wants me to finish high school. I'm wearing a white tank top with a leather jacket and some jeans with my gray Harley motorcycle.

I was walk to the front office and asked for my schedule and locker number. I was walking when I bumped into a person.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I said.

"Watch where you going next time" the person says

"Whatever" I say then flip him off.

Time skip

I was at lunch when a girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to sit with them. I said yes since I don't know anyone.

"Ok so my name is Piper, to my left is my boyfriend Jason, next to him is frank and his girlfriend hazel, next to hazel is her brother Nico and his friend Reyna, and next to Her is leo and his girlfriend calypso and then next to calypso is Luke, Thalia's boyfriend and then we normal have two more but they had some meetings they need to be at, anyway what's your name." She says all in one breath.

"Annabeth Chase. Do you guys have any woods that are near the edge of New York." I ask

"Ya but I wouldn't go there, people have been attacked by wolfs there." She says

"I'll be fine" I say

End of day

I'm riding my bike all the way home when my dad calls me. I pull over and answer it

Bold for Annabeth
Under line Frederick

Annabeth where are you
I'm just about to the house why dad
Come to out new territory I have something I need to talk to you about
Ok dad I'll be there soon

Then I hang up and head to the pack......

Should I make a part two

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