July 4th (romangers)

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This is for romangers fans (ToothlessRider404 ).

Captain pov
Today's the 4 of the July and I came out of the ice about 2 years age. The Avengers (Tony) was throwing a party about independents that I helped fight red skull and HYDRA.

"What are you going Steve it's the Fourth of July" Natasha says to me.

"It's the time in the war that I remember instead of the freedom. How Bucky gave his life for the country and the only one" I say

"Well if he was here he would want you to celebrate this day for him." She says.

"I guess your right." I says and then kissed her on the check.

"I love you Steve and don't forget that." She says then kiss me on the lips for 5 second.

"I love you too." I says

And that the last thought of Bucky for the night.

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