Chapter 1

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"Mommy?" Max asked as he fiddled with his toy fire truck that Maya had given him as a prior birthday gift.

"Yes my little love" she spoke, as she ran her hands through his curly blonde locks.

"Why are we here?" He asked, curiosity getting the better of the small boy.

"Well sweetheart, you and Rustle need your flue jab" she replied, trying to swerve past the mention of needles.

"What's that?" He asked, as he stood from his position on the floor, fire truck in hand as he stood between his mother's legs.

"It's something that stops you from getting poorly my love" she explained, watching as Rustle waddled over from the play area.

"Mommy how long we wait for?" Rustle asked, starting to get impatient, as they'd been waiting for a while.

"Not much longer Buddy" she told him, before almost ironically noticing someone that she assumed worked at the hospital make her way towards where she was sat.

"Rustle and Max Bishop?" She called out, eyes scanning the infant section of the hospital.

"That's us" she called back, watching as the brunette turned towards her, a soft smile on her face.

"Come on guys let's go" she grabbed both toddlers hands, as she met the brunette halfway, before following behind her.

"You must be their mother?" Carina asked, looking at the blonde before glancing down at her clipboard.

"Maya Bishop?" She asked.

"That's me yes, I'm their mother" she replied, as they continued to make their way through the long corridor, that finally led them to the room she assumed belonged to the doctor.

"I'm Dr DeLuca" the Italian spoke, as she opened the door for the blonde and the two little beauties beside her.

Carina held out her hand, waiting for the blonde to reciprocate the gesture, which she did.

"You're here for their flue jabs?" She asked, as she shut the door, before placing her clipboard down on her desk after writing a few things down.

"Yes I am"

Maya had noticed that her sons had gone quiet, as Rustle had his hand in his mouth, biting his nails nervously, and max was stood behind the blonde, hands firmly wrapped around her leg.

Maya watched as the doctor crouched down in front of her, so she was level with both boys.

"What's your name Bello?" Carina asked softly, they were a set of identical twins, she couldn't yet identify which one was which, a name was a start though.

"Rustle" he replied, as Maya pulled his hand away gently, before he spoke.

"That's a very pretty name, my name is Carina" she held her hand out towards Rustle, he was hesitant at first as he glanced up at his mother, to which the blonde nodded her head, Rustle then held his hand out towards Carina who accepted, as she placed her hand in his and shook it softly.

"What about you Tesoro?" She asked, whilst glancing over to the other little boy.

She didn't get an answer, as he hid his face behind the blondes leg.

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