Chapter 6

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Maya couldn't stop replaying the kiss over and over in her head, it was consuming her.

She was stood in the beanery whilst Andy and vic spoke about the previous call they had just been on.

She was stood by the fridge; frozen to the spot due to the current thoughts that were swirling around in her head, she couldn't even hear her friends voices as they tried to get her attention.

She didn't realise she was stood with the fridge doors still open, until Andy snapped her out of her thoughts by slamming the fridge doors shut.

"Hey! I needed to grab the milk" Maya exclaimed as she placed her coffee mug on the kitchen counter before opening the fridge doors again.

"You've been stood there for about five minutes smiling at the milk" Vic interjected, as she made her way over to where Andy was leant against the kitchen island, and stood next to her.

"I wasn't smiling at the milk" Maya replied, rolling her eyes as she poured a small amount of milk into her coffee mug, before putting it back into the fridge.

"You so were! Now tell us Bishop... what's got you smiling at the milk like that?" Andy asked, head tilted to the side, eyebrows furrowed slightly as she tried to figure out the cause to her best friends sudden giddy smile.

Maya wanted to tell her friends, she really did, but she wasn't sure where her and carina stood in their relationship; she wasn't sure if it was a friendship or more.

Oh how she wanted it to be more, and by the signals she was receiving from the Italian, she assumed Carina wanted the same thing.

Thankfully she didn't have to make a decision on what to say, because all of their ears were perked when they heard the sirens fill the entirety of the station.

"Ok..." vic pointed her finger at Maya "just because we have a call right now that doesn't mean that we won't be asking you the same question later on, you're not getting out of this one too easily Bishop!" She finished, before all three women started to run towards the engines.

Maya was cleaning her gear, it was just her.

They had just returned to the station after a 3 fire alarm, it was nothing too serious, but it still exhausted the blonde extremely.

It was one of those calls that felt like it would never end.

Sweat, soot, and exhaustion spread across the entirety of Mayas body as she slumped forward against the truck; her head resting against the cold shiny metal of the engine.

The contrast between the heat exerting from her forehead compared to the coldness of the engine made Maya sigh out in relief, as she let herself relax against the truck for a moment.

"Are you ok?

Maya didn't need to look at the person to know who was speaking to her, she knew by the strong Italian
accent who it was.


Maya didn't answer straight away as she lifted her forehead from the truck, eye lids heavy; her body aching to be on something comfortable and soft.

She knew that within the next hour the twins would be dropped off at the station by Miranda, and as much as she adored and cared for her boys, she could really use with some rest.

Maya didn't need to speak, she didn't need to respond to Carinas question, because the brunette already knew that she wasn't ok, she could sense the exhaustion radiating from Mayas body language, and knew that maybe she didn't know how to respond to her right now.

Instead of saying anything else, she made her way over to Maya.

"You don't have to speak" Carina whispered, whilst her hand moved the loose strands of hair that framed Mayas face, as she leant forward slightly so that their foreheads rested against each other's.

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