Chapter 10

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you" everyone from the station plus a few from the hospital were around Mayas house for a party for the twins.

It was now mid February and the boys were turning 3.

It was there third birthday Max was older than Rustle by five minutes something the boy would probably tease his brother about it when he's older.

Maya had opted for a Spider-Man theme for their party.

They were now blowing out there candles on the cake Carina had made them.

Red velvet the twins favourite.

Everyone cheered when the boys blew out their candles.

Maya stood and took many photos of her children, she hadn't realised Carina was stood beside her

"They grow up so fast" Maya nodded the thought of the twins being five in two years time made her want to throw up.

"God don't remind me" Carina laughed at Maya's words.

"Mommy" Max had a handful of cake in his hand and Rustles mouth was covered in icing.

"I think they like your cake" Maya laughed before lifting both boys on her hip.

"You're getting too heavy for this" she pinched Max's cheek causing the small boy to giggle.

"Presents mommy" Rustle pointed over to the pile of presents in the corner of the living room.

"Yes ok present time!" Everyone paid attention to Maya and followed them over to the presents.

"Woah" Maya had bought both of them rideable motorbikes.

"Motorbic" Rustle jumped up and down when he saw the blue vehicle.

"I have one too" Max smiled.

"Thanks mommy" both boys ran over to Maya and kissed each cheek.

Maya couldn't help but get emotional.

"Bella" Carina adored Maya's emotions when it came to the boys.

"I'm ok" Maya breathed as she urged the boys to open more presents.

Maya had also bought them both capes because of their little dress up morning not too long ago.

"Super hero" Max screamed causing everyone to laugh.

"Here Chico let me put it on for you" Andy helped Max put on his cape as well as Rustle.

Everyone had now left Maya's apartment.

Apart from Carina.

"Your capes look so cool" Carina was sat on the sofa with Max and Rustle watching Peppa Pig.

They both nodded being too caught up in the television.

"Do you want something to eat?" Maya leant down by Carinas head before placing a kiss to the brunettes ear.

"I'm fine Bella thank you" Maya smiled in response against Carinas head and went back to the kitchen.

Carina stood from the sofa before telling the boys she'd be back.

"Do you need help making coffee?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around Maya's waist and rested her chin on her shoulder.

Maya hummed in response.

"I think I can manage" Carina shook her head and placed a kiss to Maya's cheek.

"Are you sure?" Carina teased as she sucked mayas ear lobe between her teeth.

Maya let out a breath of relief at having Carinas lips against her skin.

"Thank you for inviting me" Maya smiled.

"You're always welcome" Maya responded causing Carina to smile as well.

"Now that coffee" Maya laughed softly before turning around in Carinas arms.

"Fine grab the sugar and you can help" carina placed a kiss to Maya's lips before going to grab the sugar.

Maya had felt like her and carina had fell into a rhythm.

They were going on dates but they hadn't established if they were actually together.

Girlfriend and girlfriend.

"Carina" Carina hummed in response.

"Yes Bella?" She asked before walking back over to Maya.

"What are we?" Carina was a little caught off guard by Maya's question but she had been thinking about it too.

"Well... we are two people that are going on amazing dates. We both are very attracted to each other and see something happening in the foreseeable future" Maya nodded a huge smiled on her lips as carina spoke.

"So this is going somewhere?" Carina nodded.

"Yes Bella" she leaned in closer until their lips were pressed together.

"Just so you know. I'm popping the question" Carina said watching as Maya shook her head.

"I don't think so" Carina laughed and moved away from the blonde.

"How many sugars?" Carina asked.

"Two please"

"They're asleep" Maya whispered to Carina as they were all sat on the sofa the Tv still playing the same show that was on earlier.

"Need help getting them to bed?" Carina asked.

Maya nodded before standing, grabbing hold of Max being carful not to wake him, as carina did the same with Rustle.

Carina held Rustle against her chest before giving him a soft kiss on the forehead "goodnight bello"

Maya did the same thing and wished both boys a happy birthday before placing them in their new beds.

The team had all pitched in on buying the twins' beds for their birthday.

Rustle had a blue race car bed and Max had a red race car bed.

"It's late I should get going" Carina whispered as both women made their way out of the twins' room and into the living room.

Maya nodded her head but said nothing for a moment.

Instead she stood forward so Carina was almost touching her and placed her hand on Carinas neck pulling her in for a kiss.

It started off slow and gentle but ended up getting fast and heated.

"Thank you for coming" Maya said as she pulled away breathless.

Carina smiled at Maya before heading to the door, she grabbed her coat and put her shoes on before standing outside Maya's apartment.

"It was an honour thank you for inviting me" Carina leaned forward for just a second and placed a kiss to Maya's cheek.

It lingered and just for a second Maya felt safe.

Every time carina kissed her, touched her, spoke to her, she felt the safest she'd felt in a long time.

She wanted to hold onto that feeling for as long as she could.

"Goodnight Bella"



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