Chapter 14

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It was mid June and the boys were running around enjoying the sun despite Max's struggles of breathing.

"Sweetheart come here" she could tell Max was struggling to breath.

They had been playing tag with Travis and Dean and it seemed like Max found it harder to breath than his brother.

"Mommy" Max whined as he coughed and panted.

"It's alright baby" she grabbed the inhaler she had tucked in the front pocket of her uniform and placed it between Max's lips.

"You know the drill" she said softly before pushing down on the pump.

"Good boy" she soothed whilst running her hand across Max's back.

His breathing eventually evened out.

"Take it easy my love. No more tag for now" Max pouted at the idea of not playing tag with the boys anymore.

"No more" he whispered as he sat down next to his mom.

"No more baby"


"He's doing alright" Carina smiled at Maya's response.

"He struggled today though whilst playing tag" Carina nodded knowing that physical activity caused people with asthma to struggle.

"Sì well the pump is working?" She asked as she started to eat her lunch.

They were on FaceTime.

Maya was on her break and decided to give the doctor a ring.

"Yes it is helping him a lot" she nodded as she started to eat her own lunch as well.

"Good I'm glad" Maya looked at carina for a moment.

How someone eating their lunch still look effortlessly beautiful.

"What are you looking at? Do I have something on my lips?" She asked touching her lips.

"No no just admiring you" Carinas smile widened she adverted eye contact.

"Nervous?" Maya asked a smug smile on her face.

"Sì you make me nervous" Maya smiled and this time she's the one that looked away.

"Or maybe I make you nervous" Carina smirked as she watched Maya look away from the camera.

Maya couldn't help the way she felt towards Carina.

Normally she'd run, or at least slowly push away, but with Carina she didn't want to, and that scared her.

However, the feeling she carried whilst within Carinas presence was a feeling she hadn't felt before.

"Do you want to stay over tonight?" The words slipped from her mouth before she could even stop them.

"You want me to?" Carina asked watching for any sign that indicated she didn't mean what she was saying.

As she watched the way Maya stuttered and got nervous she realised that this woman held genuine feelings for her.

"I'll come over tonight Bella" it was painful watching Maya attempt to recover what she had said, it was also very amusing though.

"Ok good" Maya nodded.

They shared a look.

Maya looked deep into brown orbs whilst Carina looked deep into blue ones.

"Where will the boys be tonight?" Carina asked as she broke eye contact.

"Staying over Andys" Maya replied.

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