Chapter 24

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"Rawr!" Rustle was dressed as a dinosaur and attempted to scare Maya as she stood in the beanery.

Maya knew she wouldn't be scared of the small boy standing below her so pretended to be terrified of the act.

"Oh my goodness Rustle you scared me!" The small boy started jumping up and down laughing hysterically.

"I scare you mommy" Maya laughed before sweeping her son from the ground and against her hip.

"Are you looking forward to Trick or treating?" Rustle nodded his head turning towards the door as they heard fast footsteps nearing the beanery.

"Super Max" Travis was behind him and picked him up so he was flying through the air with his fist extended like a super hero.

"Wow, hi baby" Max waved at his mum as the grown man continued to fly him through the room.

"Hi mommy" Maya smiled at her son before taking him from her friend and placing him on her hip.

"When are we going trick or reating mommy?" Max asked causing Maya to laugh at his pronunciation of the word "treating".

"Later tonight babe, Rina is coming with us" at hearing this the little boys face lit up.

"RINA" he screamed, happy to be seeing the Italian again.

"Yes baby" the boy sat in Mayas arms with a content smile before telling her to put him down to se he can be super man for a while longer.

"Where's my other boy run off too?" Maya pondered but her question was quickly answered for herself when she heard Rustles giggles coming from downstairs.

Maya was taking the boys out before it got too dark but that wasn't for a while yet so she decided to get some paperwork down wah instead she had the chance.


"Max knock on the door sweetheart" Maya stood next to carina behind the fence of a house they were waiting for one of the boys to knock on.

"Scared mommy" Maya sighed and turned to Rustle who immediately started knocking.

"Alright that's enough" Maya laughed watching as the door opened and a woman stood with a bowel of sweets.

"Trick or treat!" Max beamed lighting up now he was being given candy.

"Wow you guys look so cute" she gushed handing them a little bit extra.

"Sank you" Rustle was first to walk away as he jumped up and down at the amount she had given them.

"That's a lot of candy Bello" Carina said as she looked down at the bucket of candy.

"I know, you want some?" He dipped his hand into the bucket and offered some to the brunette.

"No, no, I'm fine you keep it" he smiled and placed the sweets back in the bucket.

"Ok" Rustle saw another house lit with pumpkins at the front and ran towards it.

"Mommy! Look" he pointed to the house with max following behind him.

"Max sweetie are you alright?" He seemed a little quiet, she knew that he didn't do well with big social events.

"nervous" she smiled sadly at her son before placing her hand atop of his head and stroking his hair softly.

"Let's go together to this one then" she followed behind him as they came closer to the house.

Rustle knocked on the door and the person behind it soon answered.

"Trick or treat!" Rustle received his lot of sweets, Max stood to the side hiding his bucket behind his back.

"Hey bud, do you want some as well?" Max nodded his head and moved his bucket in front of him so he could take some sweets.

"Sank you" the man smiled and shut the door after both boys walked away.

Carina watched as both boys walked onwards with their buckets in hand swaying the plastic around by their waists.

"I like this" Carina admitted before interlocking her hand with the blondes.

"Yeah?" Carina nodded.

"I like you being here, it feels right" Carina smiled before leaning over and placing a kiss to her cheek.

"Max, Rustle last door, ok" both boys turned around and nodded their heads.

They had been walking for a while and both boys were getting tired and their buckets were quickly filling up.


"Thank you for coming today, the boys really enjoyed having you there" Maya whispered as she lay in her bunk with Carina resting next to her.

The twins were tucked up at home with Andy watching over them.

"It was lovely Bellini" Carina moved her head so it was resting in the crook of Mayas neck.

"They really adore you, you know?" carina removed herself from Mayas neck and looked up at the blonde.

"Really?" Maya nodded her head a soft smile painted across her face as she remembered the encounter with Max earlier.

"They both do, but especially Max" Carina smiled softly at the thought of the little boy.

"It's always the shy ones" Maya laughed before rolling onto her side, Carina doing the same thing as they lay facing each other.

"He's going to have to learn how to deal with that" Carina nodded, her hand slipping inside of Mayas.

"He will Bella, he's young it'll take time" Maya nodded knowing Max had so much to learn.

Maya rested her forehead against Carinas, her blue eyes searching brown ones.

"You're pretty great" Maya sighed.

"You're not too bad yourself Bishop" Maya smiled, her nose moving against Carinas softly.

"Happy Halloween"



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