Chapter 18

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"Hi Bella" Carina entered the beanery and caught sight of the blonde straight away.

The other firefighters were in the middle of a call so Maya was alone in the station.

"Hi" Maya was cleaning away after the other firefighters when they had to dash out of the station whilst eating for a call.

"Have you eaten?" Carina asked as she walked over to the blonde behind the kitchen counter.

"A little why?" Maya asked.

"Just curious, because I am hungry" Maya looked at the brunette.

"I can make you something?" Maya asked as she moved to the fridge before opening it.

"Could you?" Carina asked her body thrumming to sit down.

"Yes of course go sit down" Maya could tell that the doctor was exhausted so wanted her to relax.

"Thank you Bellini" Maya smiled before gathering all the ingredients she needed in order to start cooking.

"What are you making?" Carina asked, watching as Maya chopped up vegetables.

"Vegetable rice?" She asked checking that was alright with Carina.

"Sì that sounds good" Carina rolled her head in her neck, sighing as she felt the knot slightly relieve the pressure she was feeling.

"Let me" Maya left the vegetables to cook for a moment and set a timer, before walking over to the brunette.

"Here" Maya placed her hands on Carinas shoulders before pushing down against the muscles.

"Oh Sì that's good" Maya smiled at Carinas response knowing she gave good massages.

"Here?" She asked as she moved her fingers across her shoulders and squealing to see what parts needed the most attention.

"Along a little" Carina replied before Maya moved her hand to the desired spot and started to apply pressure to the muscle.

"There?" Maya asked, but she didn't need to.

"Oh Sì Sì" Maya couldn't help but get a little bit flustered when Carina moaned in appreciation of the massage, because the thoughts in her mind weren't so innocent.

Maya heard the timer go off from the kitchen so removed her hands from tanned skin.

Carina lifted her head her eyes watching Maya as she walked back into the kitchen.

"I just need to cook the rice and then it should be ready" Carina nodded in understanding.


"You're not having any?" Carina observed Maya's behaviour towards food since she started to get to know her and has realised that Maya only eats when she wants too, which isn't often.

"You should Bella, you haven't eaten much today" Carina didn't want to push her, but she was slightly worried about the blonde.

"I'll eat later" Carina shook her head.

"What if you get called in for a call before then?" Maya really didn't understand why Carina was asking her all of these questions and she couldn't deny that it was starting to annoy her slightly.

"Why does it matter?" Maya asked her voice raising a tiny octave before she picked up Carinas plate and took it back into the kitchen.

Carina was quiet now, she didn't want to start an argument.

"Hm?" Maya wanted to know.

"Because" Maya placed the plate in the sink and walked back over to Carina.

"Because?" She asked as she sat down next to the brunette at the table.

"You don't seem to eat much" Maya fell quiet this time, her eyes dropping to the floor.

She has always struggled to eat, even when she was little, and when she did eat she'd just throw it all back up, and the problem was: Maya loved to eat, so it upset her when it was soon coming back up.

She never had enough time to get it looked at nor a very caring father, so she just ignored it.

"If you have an eating disorder, I can help you through it Maya" Maya didn't want to argue with Carina, because she knew she was right, and only trying to help her.

"Ok" Maya lifted her head and looked into brown orbs.

Carina was surprised that there wasn't more delegating with the topic because Travis had told her that Maya would be difficult to manage if she even brought the topic up.

"Ok?" She looked at Maya for a moment, just watching her facial expressions to see if she's really ok with it.

"Yeah, I've always thought about it, when I was little I struggled as well" Carina nodded knowing it must have been going on for a while.

"We can take it slow, ok?" Carina placed her hand on Maya's knee causing blue eyes to lock onto brown.



"Hi baby" Maya stood by the door to Max's class room, as she leant up against the frame of the door watching her son skip over to her.

"Hi mommy" Maya leant down she she was level with the small blonde and placed a kiss to his cheek.

"How was your day" Maya had noticed that Max found it hard to talk about his feelings, so instead he showed her with hand gestures of facial expressions.

Max held his thumb up causing Maya to smile brightly at her son in response.

"That's good" Max nodded before taking hold of Maya's hand so they could walk to Rustles class.

Max was in a separate class to his brother, Maya thought this would be a good idea so they would make friends and have some time away from each other for a while.

They walked to Rustles class room and saw him sat down in the corner.

"Hi?" She peered her head round the corner of the door to see her little boy in the naughty corner with his teacher sat in front of him speaking calmly to the small blonde.

"Oh Maya hi" his teacher turned around before standing from the floor.

"What's happened?" Maya asked eyeing Rustle noticing he wasn't making eye contact with her.

"He's been very hyperactive today: running around and pushing other kids over" Maya furrowed her eyebrows.

She knew her boys could get a little boisterous at home and at the station but she had never had to worry when it came to other kids at nursery.

"Rustle" Maya let go of Max's hand for a moment so she could walk over to her son.

"Yes" he nodded his hand coming up to his face so he could bite at his nails.

Maya pushed his hand away from his face softly.

"I'm not angry" she knelt down speaking to her son calmly so he knew that she wasn't mad.

"Sorry mommy" Rustle dropped his head.

"Hey" Maya placed her hand underneath his chin to lift his head up again.

"Let's go home" Maya grabbed rustles hand and walked back over to where Max and the teacher were stood.

"Bye Rustle" the teacher waved at Rustle before doing the same to Max.

Rustle waved allowing his mother to guide him out of the nursery.


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