The Reunion

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" surprise missed me" she says and Y/B/N says "OMFG YES I MISSED U GIVE ME A HUG" she says while going to her sister, she can't hug here back cuz her hands was occupy with a burnt skillet and A spatula. Y/B/N say " what are u trying to cook about to burn the whole mf house down" she says while taking the skillet and the spatula away from her she say "I was trying to cook" she says and Y/B/N says "ok what was u trying to cook" she says and she says "Eggs"she says.

My bff says "now u now damn well u don't know how to cook" she says while laughing, she says "hahah so funny and I do know how to cook for yo information" she say and she looks at me for a quick Second then turned back to her sister they my bff says " anyways who BMW is that cuz u can't afford no BMW especially a 2021 version" she says while scrubbing the egg out the pan she says "wellll I kind of met someone so did u get the-" she says Faster to go to a different topic but my bff caught it and she says " We not about to skip over that part like u didn't say that? So who's the lucky guy" she says before doja could say some we heard footsteps coming from upstairs she says "well I guess u will find out" she say with A Grin.

Few seconds later a tall guy comes from upstairs he must've just got out the shower cuz he was covert with water, he has just a towel on he comes over and introduce his self as Michael he says "hi nice to finally meet you guys doja has been talking so much about you guys" he says he shakes my bff hard then mine. I'm not going to lie he was a good looking guy and he seemed chill, he kiss doja on the mouth which I was kind of mad at but I was holding my composure he finally says "well I should go get dressed I don't want to be walking around in a towel all day" he laughs as he walks a way, After that Y/B/N introduced Nate to her she says "u got a fine one here" she says while laughing my bff says "me u must not see that Man U got" she says.

After that Y/B/N and Nate goes to The living room so there was just me and her, not gonna lie I was scared I haven't said anything to her but I grew some and said "Hey doja it's good to see u" I say and she says "hi and it's good to see u too" she says she looks away from me, idk but she was acting a certain way towards me and I say " so how is life u know traveling the world and things" I say i'm gaining a lot of confidence today she says "oh it's good" she say she gave me a dry response I say " are u ok u being cold" I say and she kind of gets mad and says "I'M FINE just leave me alone" she says slamming  the dirty dish down and walking to the living room.

I decided to brush it off and a few minutes later Michael comes downstairs he goes to the living room and says " I want to take u guys out my treat" he says my bff says "shit you don't got to tell me twice, sis I like him u need to keep him" she says while getting up and doja says " you would like anybody as long as they pay for some u want" she says while laughing she says "damn right now come on i'm hungry" she says while walking outside we all go out side and we decided to go to a place called "Buena Papa" some where in north California, as we started to follow the BMW I ask Y/B/N a question about doja I say " ay u think doja been acting weird" I say and she looks at me with her eyebrow up she say " what do you mean?" She says I say "she been like distant and she giving me the cold shoulder and I don't know why" I say and she says " Idk she might be stressed just give ha time to chill for a minute she just got back today" she say and I say "u right" I start to gaze out the window and try to figure out what's wrong with her.

We pull up to the place we park and we find doja and her boyfriend and we walk in, this place mainly sales potato foods so we got loaded fries and then we waited outside for them. We sit down at a table that's nearby and we started to talk I say "so how long y'all been together?" I say with a confident face she was about to talk but he cut her off by saying "ummm a couple of months now" he say while holding her waste I shake my head and I drink my drink. Y/B/N started to say " so what do u do that got u driving around in a "BMW"" she says while laughing he answers and say " i'm in real estate back in Texas" he says but while they were talking I looked at doja she looked sad and depressed I felt bad that she wouldn't talk to me about what's going on with her I just looked at her and she looked at I looked her in her eyes to see that she was teary-eyed I was about to say some when they came with are food The waiter says " ok here is you guys food and enjoy and call me if u need anything else" he says and speeds off to his next table. Time went by and we were doing eating my bff says " OMFG I'm full like a mf just gained 400 pounds but it was worth it" she chuckles and we all laugh except doja she just had a lil smile on her face.

Michael pays the bill and we dropped off Nate then want to my bff house, Michael had do some business and doja was mad about that so they got in a argument me and mg bff was in the room watching US, to be honest i was happy they were fighting I know that sounds a lil bit toxic but at least I'm telling the truth. After I hear a door slam I knew he was gone so I decided to go check up on doja "umm I'm about to go to the bathroom" I say she was not listening she was texting Nate she says "do what ever u want" I shake my head as I get up off the bed and walk towards the door, I walk down the hall to doja's room and I knock I hear a muffled voice and the voice says " leave me alone" I walk in anyways cuz it sounds like she was crying, I go over to her bed and I tapped her "u good?" I say she says while her face is still in the pillow "do it look like I'm good?" She say "no u don't u look like shit" I say as I try to bring her spirits up, she looks at me and she says " what tf do u want?" I say "I'm trying to see if u ok and y u was crying earlier" I say " how about u mind your fucking Business and stay out of my love life and my life" she say "ok whatever don't be coming to me when he hurt yo ass" I walk out mad as hell and I leave the house without telling Y/B/N I was gone , I started to walk home.

I made it home and I take off my shoes and jacket and I go up stairs I look in my moms room and she is not there but there's a note on here bed that read " Hey baby sorry mommie couldn't be there I had to go in early but there's food in the oven love u and P.S I won't be home till late so don't stay up. I smile at myself and sit the note down. I go downstairs and heat up my food, after I'm done eating I clean my plate and headache upstairs, I got some underwear in a bra and I took a quick shower then I put on my sleep clothes and headed to bed but before I can go to sleep I thought about doja and how mad she was at me I thought so much that I didn't realize my slumber has taken over.

Hey y y'all Think doja mad at u and what's up with her and Michael?

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