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" Spill it"

"I broke up with my girlfriend well ex girlfriend" I say looking down at my Sprite "why?" He says "It was personal problems we were dealing with and yeah" I say not trying to get in the real reason why I broke up with her and I guess he picked up on it "ok but if u need to talk you know I'm here, and I mean about anything ok?" He says while hugging me "ok" I say while hugging him back "ok enough with the sad shit I need to go see yo momma" he says while fixing his self "bro are u still trying to talk to my mom?" I ask with a eyebrow up "what- look how long we knew each?" He says "since we was kids" "exactly so what makes u think that?" "Because you told me when I was 15 and u was 16 u said oh damn Y/n yo momma getting finer each day and that one day I'm gonna tap that" I say while mocking him "ok well that was the past and this is the present and plus I was a horn dog back then" "yeah ok" I say while throwing my bag away "now let's go" he says and I start the Engine and go.

"Mom I'm back!" I yell "it still looks the same" Keith says while walking over to the couch "umm is that a bad thing or a good thing?" I ask while walking over to the couch to siting by him "oh no it's a good thing, I love that nothing didn't change" he says "well well well" my mom says behind us "so I don't get no hey Ms Y/L/N or no hug?"my mom says "oh I'm so sorry Ms Y/L/N" Keith says while getting up and walking over to my mom to give her hug "oh it's been forever since I've seen u" she says while hugging him "I know I know" he says while hugging my mom while his hands are a lil bit to close to my moms butt "how's your mother?" She asks while pulling away from the hug a little "she's fine" he says while still having his hands on my moms "oh and will you tell your mom that I said hi and she should come over so we can talk like we use to because I have a lot of tea for her" my mom says while laughing "I will M-" "ok that enough of this umm mom we going upstairs and if u need me call me" I say while taking his hands off my mom "oh well ok, oh and Y/n I might not be here later on" my mom says while me and Keith start walking to the stairs "ok just tell me when u leave" I say while walking up the stairs to my room "ok baby" "bye Ms Y/L/N" Keith says "bye Keith" my mom says "bro go up the stairs" I say while pushing him a little bit "what I'm just being nice" yeah a lil to nice".


"Here is where all the Magic happens" I say while opening my door "now u know u a Virgin" he says "really" I say while walking to my bed and sitting down "what it's true but that's ok, I don't want my little baby growing up to fast" he says in a baby voice as he tries to squeeze my cheekbones "man stop" I say while laughing "ok ok I will stop" he says as he gets back to looking around my room. "Who is this?" He says while picking up the pictures of me and doja"oh um that's doja" I say while looking at the picture, it was me and doja hugging at the zoo in like 2012 and Y/B/F was having a temper tantrum about something I forgot "what's up with Y/B/N" he laughs while pointing at the picture "she was having a temper tantrum" I laugh remembering the day "so umm you trying to go to the mall and buy me some stuff for my birthday?" I say "yeah we can go to the mall but I'm not buying u shit" he says while standing up "wow really and I'm trying to celebrate my birthday but-" I'm just playing now let's go" he says and we leave

At the mall

"Man I really appreciate this, really" I say felling emotional "stfu you know I got you, and don't start crying you know u like my little sister I never had" he says while laughing "aww that is-"I say as I go In for a hug.

Doja's POV

I'm in my room crying and watching Poetic justice and eating some ice cream "no lucky don't be like that it's not her fault" I say as lucky was cursing out justice. As I'm still crying I hear a kock on my door "who is it?!" I say "it's me baby" my mom says "please just go away mom"I say as I go under the covers and cry more, I hear the door open and I hear foot steps "baby you have to get out of this room, it's not healthy" my mom says as she sits on my bed "I'm fine mom just go" no you are going with your sister to the mall and I went to see you downstairs or else, ok?" She asks but I don't answer "I said ok?" My moms says in a more strict voice "ok ok I'm coming" good" my mom says as she leaves.

8 minutes later

"Well hello sleeping beauty" my sister says and I send her the bird "hey hey hey none of that, you better be glad your sister offered to take you to the mall" my mom says " exactly so I expect a little more respect because I had better things to do" like what have sex all day with Nate" I say as I go the the fridge and get some water "MOM THAT IS NOT TRUE SHES TELLING STORIES-" OK THAT IS ENOUGH!! I WANT THE BOTH OF YOU TO GET OUT!!" She says pushes us to the door "great, why did you have to tell momma my business?" Look I really don't care can we just go" ok shit" she says and we walk over to my car.

In the car

"Look big sis I need to say this ok?" I don't say anything I just look out the window and lookup to the sky "you need to forget about Y/N for a moment I know that is not easy and I'm not say's give up on you and her completely but you need to get yourself together, and I'm not saying this just to say this I'm saying this because I love you ok?" She says and I just think about what she said and she's right, I mean I really really love Y/N but I have to focus on myself she's probably out there living her best life with bitchs and partying with more bitchs- " doja are you even listening?" Yeah yeah I was just...thinking" I say and look back out the window "ok".

At the mall

"OMGGGG doja look" my sister says like a kid a candy store "I need to get this for me and my manzz" she says while doing a little dance "look Y/B/N Im about to go to the food court I need something on my stomach" ok, oh and umm can you get me a corn dog?" She says with puppy dog eyes "fine" Thank You!! you are the best you know that right?" she says "yeah I know " I say walking off "ok well I'm going to be down there in a sec!!" She yells and I raise a thumbs up.

As I'm walking to the food court I see these two people and I'm guessing there a couple, it's a girl and a boy and it made me sad and think about me and Y/N and how happy we were and what went wrong. But as I got closer I can see there face and I was shocked "Y/N?" I say under my breath and as they step back from the hug she looks at me and I see her say something but I don't stay to hear it and I run the other way in tears, as I'm running I run past my sister "DOJA WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" My sister yells but I don't stop.

Y/N Pov

As I step back from the hug that I was giving Keith I feel eyes on me and I turn to my right and to see doja in tears "doja?" I say and she runs off and I follow her but she's to fast "who was that?" Keith asks as he run up to me "doja".

So umm yeah this is kind of long and this took me like a month to finish but hey we here but um I'm going to try to give y'all a story on the weekend so stay tune for that, we'll bye.

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