What happen

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I woke up in a unfamiliar bed and I didn't know where I was at I rolled out of the bed with a major headache "Good morning I see your woke" I hear someone say I turn around and see doja smiling at me "what happened last night" I say rubbing my head so she walks over and give me a Peel to help with my headache and she set on her bed and started to say "welll what do you remember" she asks me "ummm I....oh I remember going outside after the incident with my ex and I set on The curb drinking my drink and next thing I know I'm seeing black but before I passed out I Heard a voice I forgot what the person said something about getting you safe" I say "you remember quite a lot but yeah umm after all that happened I want to go look for you and I couldn't find you sooo I went upstairs to look for you and as soon as I was about to give up I heard a familiar voice and I go in the room to see your...ex on top off you"

She says I look her in her eyes and say "what was she doing" I ask her " more like what she was about to do, she undressed you and started to kiss you while you were all unconscious" she says "that bitch I'm going to whoop her ass she really drugged me" I say " well if it makes you feel any better even though it won't I beat her ass for you" she says " thank you but I'm not done i'm getting a restraining order on her naw I'm going to put in a report" I say angrily "wait what about Y/B/N where she at" I say " well after I put you in my bed and after a few hours your phone starting to blow up with message from my sister saying WHERE YALL AT THE PO PO CAME THEY SHUT THE PARTY DOWN and COME GET ME BITCHHHHH!!" she says while laughing.

I laugh at the messages "so I called her she was drunk ass hell and I said where you and Nate at I can come get y'all she said and she said naw I'm going over Nate's house he about to beat it up and I say ok that's enough just be careful please and I hanged up so yeah" she says "wow  ok umm I should get going so ummm see you later" I say "umm yeah but you don't have to leave just yet I was about to go out to breakfast" she says, I want to go I just feel so out of place "I-" I was going to say something but I was interrupted " at least go to breakfast with me then I can Drop you off" she say and she got this look in her eyes I really can't describe it but I just let it go "all right" I say and she jumps in my arms and hugs me then kisses my cheek a little close by my lips "oh I'm sorry I didn't-" she says "it's fine don't apologize but let me use the bathroom real quick then we can go" I say then she nods her head.

I go to the bathroom and start dancing as I was thinking about what just happened " was that a kiss? Is she trying to tell me some? Ok calm down she got A boyfriend first of all and Second it wasn't even like that so just stop" I say to myself, I leave the bathroom and I go downstairs and I see doja waiting for you " ready" she says " ready as l'll Ever be just let me slip my shoes on" I say and she nods her head I then put on my shoes and we're off.

We didn't go anywhere fancy we just went to IHOP, we pull up at the IHOP and we get out in go inside i open the door for doja " thank you kind sir" she says " you're welcome Madame" I say laughing at myself then I go in, we get in the  Booth and we talked for a while to kill time before the waitress came. "So umm where's your boyfriend at I haven't seen him in a while" I say "oh he's just been working a lot but he calls me though" she says "mhhh right" I say not believing his story work my ass "what was that for" she says "what" I say acting dumb "that mhhh what was that for" she says "nun I swear to God it's nothing" I say smiling at her "ok".

After the chat The waitress finally comes " hi welcome to IHOP what can I get for you guys today" she says looking directly at me and I look back at her she was fine not going to lie she had like the perfect caramel complexion and she had like A Fade and it was cute on her it's like Amber rose hairstyle just not blonde  she had black hair and when I tell you she had AS- "Y/N!!" Doja says "yeah" I say "what do you want" she say "umm I'm going to get the ham cheese omelette and A side of pancakes" I say and she smiles at me and says " and the drink" she says in a low tone " umm how about Orange juice" I say "ok I well be right back with you guys drink" she says still look at me then she walks away and you know I had to look " pick up your jaw it's on the ground" doja says in a kind of angry tone but laughs it off " well well well is somebody jealous" I say feeling cocky " what jealous of you and her naw I was just helping you out" she says "yeah ok"

Doja POV
Did she really come over here to flirt with Y/N in my face like bitch back off she don't want you I mean I really don't care but like in my face the nerve. After a few she comes back with the drinks "ok here is a Apple juice for you and a oj for you" she says but I see her slip something under Y/N drink " i'll be back with you guys food" she says, she is so dam thirsty I'm was about to say no keep the Apple juice you need it more then me like she acting like
Y/N is King tut or somebody I mean yeah she haves Beautiful eyes and some soft skin and a nice smile that I love to see every day but still.

As the waitress was giving us our drinks she slipped a piece of paper under my drink and I picked it up and unfolded it and it said"I think your pretty cute call me some times 💋" it had A kiss mark on it "What's that" doja says and I look up at her to see a little anger in her eyes "oh nun just-" before I can say anything else she snatches the paper out of my hand "ok doja haha give it back" I say "no l want to read it" she says "I think your pretty cute call me some time" she says mocking the waitress "that's soo thirsty" she say and she gives it back "oh yeah and why do you care" I say and she didn't have nothing to say "what cat got yo tongue" I say and she laughs "I don't I just think it's a lil bit thirsty" she says "ok".

After we get through eating and Mya I finally got her name came back with the bill and doja Rolls her eyes at her, as I was gone for the bill doja says "no baby this is my treat I offered you to come so let me pay for it" she says "no no no bae this is my treat take this as token of my appreciation for helping me yesterday so let me pay" I say "no it really fine I got it" she says "and I said I will pay for it I got it ok" I say "ok whatever" she say "all right thank you", mya comes back and takes my card and as she was doing that our hands brush against each other and she smiled at and I do the same after that she comes back with the card and we're on our way, doja got up first but as I was getting up a hand stopped me I turned around and it was mya "don't forget to call me" she says "oh I'm not" I say and she laughs and I leave out of the IHOP.

We get in the car " next time I'm paying" doja say "ok that's fine" I say laughing, after the good silence in the car we make it back to my house as I was getting out off the car I hear doja say "we should go out more often" she say with a smile " are you asking me on a date" I say with a smile "no not at all I'm saying like with other people like my sister and Nate and my boyfriend" she says nervously" ouch that really hurts that you don't want you don't want to hung out with just me but I would like that" I say while closing the door but as I was walking to my house she says "bye Y/L/N" she say and I turn around and say "bye Dlamini" I say and she Rolls up her window and Drives off and I smile to myself and I then go in my house.

Hey umm should odessa move away or should she go to jail I think she should move away but I'm gonna to let y'all pick but that's it bye

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