Im leaving

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Doja POV

I pull in my driveway and I park my car and I get out and walk to my door, as I walk in I see my sister on the couch watching TV "hey where you been" my sister asks me when I walk in "um over a friend's house" I say while taking off my shoes " why don't I believe you" she says while walking over to me "girl believe what you want to believe, Michael here" I say walking pass her "yeah he upstairs but we not done with this conversation" she yells the last part while I walk upstairs to my room, when I walk in and I'm met with Michael sitting up on my bed and I see that he was mad and he would try some but i brushed it off, I walked to the bathroom to put some water on my face "where you been" he says while leaning against the door frame "out" I say and I walk pass him but he turned me around "you think I'm stupid bitch I know the game and if you cheating on me doja it's not going to be nice" he says while in my face " Michael just leave me alone" I say while push him out my face " DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME BITCH" he yells "you know what I'm done with you I'm done with you talking about me cheating I know you been FUCKING THAT WHITE BITCH I'm not dumb" I yell back "yeah I'm not going to lie I have but it doesn't make a difference because you going to stay and wanna know why because you don't got the balls to leave me, if you do you can't travel the world and with out me you have nothing" he says " Newsflash I don't need you or yo fucking money, I want you out of my parents house now" I say while pointing at the door "bitch Im not going no we're" he says "ok I'm calling the police" I say while getting my phone out, but before I can do that he slaps the phone out my hand, I tried reaching for it but he stopped me so I hit him and he charges at my neck "see bitch I told you to deal with it but you got to make this hard" he says while squeezing on my neck, I tried hitting him but it didn't work, I thought I was on my last breath until my sister came in "hey sis me- wtf GET OFF MY SISTER"she says while running over but it was to late I fainted,


I'm downstairs sitting on the couch watching TV until I heard a knock at the door so I get up to answer and who do I see my baby daddy "hey baby" I say while kissing him "hey babe, you ready to go" he ask and I was confused "umm where" I say while holding his neck "damn I forgot to tell you that I got us reservations at the new place that just opened up" he says while smiling and I couldn't help but to do it back "awwww baby you didn't have to do that" I says while kiss him again "I know I know but I wanted to so get ready baby" he says while we walking in "ok let me tell doja that we about to go" I say while running upstairs, I go up to doja's room door as I open it "hey sis me- wtf GET OFF MY SISTER" i y'all while running over to him.

I started to hit him to put my sister down but she all ready fainted, as her body hits the ground me and him hit the ground to and now he's on top of me "y'all are crazy" he yells and that must have Caught my boyfriends attention "wtf" he says and he tackles him off of me, I get up and I go over to my sister "doja please wake up please" I say while crying, I pull out my phone to call the ambulance "i need help" I say " OK what's your emergency ma'am" he says "umm my sister is unresponsive" I say "ok did you check her pulse" he says "no let me do that"I say while checking her pulse and I found it "ok I got one" I say "ok ma'am medical assistance will be on there way" he say and I hung up.

I decided to pick my sister up and take her downstairs while my boyfriend and Michael were fighting, I get downstairs and I hear the ambulance coming so I put doja on the couch and I open the door for them, a few minutes later four man come in "ok ma"am what's your name" one of them says while listening for a heartbeat "umm Y/B/N Dlamini is she going to be ok" I say anxiously "are you her sister" another one and say while the other two run outside "yes but is she going to be ok" I say getting mad but all a sudden Nate comes downstairs all beat up "he upstairs" he says and just in time The other two guys come in with a springer "who's upstairs" one says "the guy who did this to my sister" I say crying and one goes upstairs, they put my sister in the springer and wheel her outside in to the ambulances, I go inside but before I do I say say to Nate "call Y/N and tell her to come to the hospital now" I say and he nods his head and I kiss him.

We pull into the hospital and they care her out and they started to run in the hospital " we need some assistance" one y'all's and A bunch of nurses comes, they take her and now I'm in this cold lobby crying.


I was so full of joy and love it was like nothing can ruin this right now, as I lay on my bad thinking about Doja I get this feeling , I didn't know what it was so I just shook it off "I should ask her out on a date" I say to myself "yeah I should do that, let me call her so we can meet tomorrow" I say while getting my phone, but for some reason she didn't pick up like It didn't go to voicemail or anything it was just ringing so I know it's not Dead, so I just decided to text her

Y/N: hey baby I was calling you and you didn't pick up is everything OK

I texted and I didn't get a response, now I was worrying because she always answers my calls over text's, so now i'm pacing around my room but stop when my phone rings, I jumped on my bed and answer the phone "doja" I say "naw it's Nate" he says and he doesn't sound like his self "yo Nate what's up" I say "you need to go to the hospital" he says and I get up " what do you mean I need to go to the hospital did some bad happen" I say "yeah it's doja" he says and I hung up the phone and put some shoes on and I get a jacket and started running, I get a text from Nate and he tells me what hospital she's at and I run faster with tears in my eyes, god I hope she's ok.

Hey y'all I don't know if I should give y'all a warning or what but yeah.

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