Kiss me

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Doja POV

As I walk in to the kitchen i'm hit with the aroma of food "hi amala I haven't seen you since you were still a little girl give me a hug" Y/N mom says and I felt like I was at home "so where's Y/B/N?" Y/N mom says "oh she couldn't make it so it just me" I say awkwardly "oh that's to bad well take a sit" she says guiding me to the dining room table and I sit then I see Y/N come around the corner and she's so beautiful it makes me want to pounce on her- ok cool it "hey" she says while sitting next to me and her voice "hey, how are you feeling" I say concerned "umm ok I mean my stomach still hurt but other than that I'm just peachy" she says, aww my poor baby I wish I could cuddle up with her to make her feel a little bit better.

"Aww I'm sorry" I say "it's why didn't you want to bring your boyfriend I now you feel out of place" she says and I think to myself that's a good question I just didn't feel like dealing with his bs tonight do I didn't bring his ass "umm he had to work again" I say "oh well umm if it's coo with u do u want to stay over and Watch some movies" she says and I can see that she's nervous, it's like a thousand fireworks exploding inside of me "yeah I think I would like that" I say as I try to play it cool "ok cool" she was going to say something else but her mom called her "Y/N I need your help for a minute" she says "ok I'm coming i'll be right back but make your self at home but not too much at home" she says with a grin and I Chuckle "ok i'll make sure of that" I say and she leaves.

I get up and walk around the house and I take a look at Photos of Y/N when she was younger and a baby and I even saw a picture of her halfway naked but she had a towel covering her lower half, I giggle to myself "hey what's so fun- oh" she says "OMG you were so cute I can just eat you up" I say squeezing her cheek "ok that's enough idk y my mom still got this picture up I told her to take it down a long time ago" she says but I know she lying but I go along with it " well i'm glad she didn't take it down" I say and she looks at me with her Y/C/E and I look deep into them but we were interrupted "FOODS READY" Y/N mom yells out.

We then go the the table and we sit, we started to pass plates around "so amala how have you been" Y/N mom says "umm I've been good you know i'm traveling around the country more and things so yeah it's going great" I say "well that's good" Y/N mom says.


It's been a few minutes and we been talking and getting a long and I still can't believe she said yes to saying over cuz I was scared that she's gonna say no but I was wrong I can't wait "yeah I said the same- hold on y'all I got to take this" my mom says while excusing her self, few minutes later she comes back " i'm sorry you guys we got to cut dinner short my job just called me and said they need me so I got to go" my mom says sadly "ohh wow ok" I say and my mom goes upstairs to get ready but before she want up she said "Y/N baby do you mind washing the dishes for me" she says "yeah of course don't worry about it just go upstairs and change I got it" I say and she goes upstairs.

I'm now I'm the kitchen washing the dishes and I feel someone Touch my neck and it give me goosebumps and I turn around and it's doja "hey do u need help it a lot of dishes" she says "umm naw I got it" I say " no I insist I mean I kind of did dirty then also so I should be able to help" she says while picking up a dish "ok I won't fight on this one" I say surrendering "yeah I know you won't" she says " OK now you feeling cocky" I saw "now I'm not" she says with a surprised face "yes you is" I say "no I'm not" she says while throwing bubbles at me "oh you want to play them games" I say while laughing "no I'm good" she say avoiding eye contact "naw it's to late you have unleashed the Dragon" I say while getting a handful of bubbles "ok now Y/N if you do that there's no turning back" she says begging back "it to late" I say and I throw bubbles at her and we broke out into a bubble fight, The room filled with laughs and then she tried to put some bubbles in my face but I caught her and we were laughing "let me go Y/N" she says while laughing man when I tell you she got the most cutest laugh "or what" I say looking at her and then the laughing comes to a stop and I feel myself leaning in but we were interrupted "ok I'm going to go-" my mom say and we break apart from each other "umm ok call me when you get there let me walk you out" I say awkward as hell.

We're at the door and my mom is about to leave "ok baby call me when as there's an emergency and I love u and I left some money for if you guys get hungry" my mom says "ok Ma and love u too" I say while going in for a hug and my mom kisses all over my face in Front of doja "maaa" I say " what, you doing this because Amala here but anyways see you guys later" she says walking away "bye Miss Y/L/N" doja says "bye Ma" I say while closing the door

"So what do you wanna watch first" I say still awkward about the events that happened in the kitchen "umm idk anything that we can find" she says "ok let's go your chariot awaits" I say and she giggles.

We're now on the couch watching Jumanji "it's so sad that his parents died before he comes back" doja says with a sad face "aww it's ok I mean at least he got the girl" I say "wow that's all you going to say is "at least he got the girl"" she says while mocking me and I laugh "well yeah" I say "you are a piece of work Y/L/N" she says while laughing, the movie has come to a end "so what do you want to Watch next" I say while scrolling through movies "umm I don't know" I turn my head to look at her and I just now noticed how close we are "how about umm" I say and I see that she starts to learn in and we finally kiss and it was amazing her lips we're so soft, at first they were slow passionate kisses but they start to turn in faster sloppy kisses, doja then proceeds to get on my lap while still kissing me and she starts to move her hits so we started to moan in the kisses we were kissing for a long time until she said "let's go upstairs" she says while looking at me and I just shake my head, I pick her up and we go upstairs.

Where in my room now and I begin to lay her on my bed while we're still kissing, she starts to tuck at my shirt telling me to take it off and I take it off and she takes off her showing her perfect breast and we get back to it but as I was going to take off my pants she says "OMG I can't do this I'm sorry Y/N" she says while getting up and putting her shirt back on " baby what do you mean you can't do this...did I do some wrong" I say "no baby I mean Y/N it's just me I'm in a relationship and you're still a kid" she says "girl I'm 17 about to be 18 in a couple months" I say getting up "look I just can't I'm sorry" she say while leaving my room and I follow her, she gets in her car and pulls off and I just Close the door and sit on the couch "what the fuck was that" I say to myself.

Hey y'all I've been waiting to do that and I hope y'all liked it.

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