Pick up

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I'm woken up by a loud beeping noise and I get up to see that it's my alarm clock "need a new alarm" I say sleepily, I turn off my alarm and I go to the bathroom to do my business and morning routine, after I get out the shower I go to my dresser and get my underwear and bra to put on, I get some joggers and a white tee and a pair of socks to put on.

I go downstairs to see my mom at the kitchen table reading the newspaper while drinking some coffee "Good morning ma" I say while kissing her head "good morning baby, I didn't get the chance to ask you how was your first day back yesterday" she says and it make me think about the SUV that was following me "umm it was good" I say while going to the references to get something to drink "we'll that's good, why did you come home so late" she says and I didn't want to tell her what happened so I told her half off the truth " I want to the corner store to get some snacks" I say while pouring me some orange juice "oh well ok, but I mommy got to get to work" she says while getting her stuff ready "ok Ma love you" I say while I hug her "love you too oh and before I forget Y/B/N called me to tell you to pick up yo mf phone and that she's coming to get you" she says and I laugh "ok Ma I'm going to give her a call" I say "ok bye bye now" she says while walking to the car "bye" I say and I close the door and head upstairs.

"Yeah why you didn't answer yo phone" Y/B/N say and I laugh "I was sleep I just woke up like a few minutes ago" I say "yeah right we'll get ready I'm coming to pick you up" she says "ok" I say then we hang up, I go to my closet to get a hoodie and then I go downstairs to put my shoes on, I go outside to see my bff now pulling up and I jog over to the car "hey" I say "hey, you look tired" she says while driving off "well I'm not I had a long sleep" I say "yeah I bet you did you polar bear" she says "are you calling me fat" I say while holding my chest "no I'm saying that because you hibernate like one" she says while laughing and I laugh with her, after that there was a comfortable silence.

"Ok you go in there and have a good day" she says and I smile at her "I will try mom" I said while getting out the car and shutting the door, I'm in my first hour class right now bored out of my mind until I get a text.

Wifey💍: Good morning baby sorry I didn't say it sooner I over slept

Me: it's ok baby, how was your sleep

Wifey💍: it was good, i had a dream and you was in it

Me: ok keep going

Wifey💍: and we just got home from a long night and I asked you for a massage

Me: continue

Wifey💍: and then we want to the room and then I started to get Undressed

But before I can read her other text my teacher called me "Y/N give me the phone please, you can get it back at the end of class" he says, I hate this teacher his ass always trying to take something from somebody "yes sir" I say while I getting up but as I was walking I decided to text doja before I give him my phone.

Me: baby I got to go my bitch ass teacher is about to take my phone

Wifey💍: well ok I guess I have to tell you about my dream some other day

Me: naw come over my house tonight and tell me all about it😏

Wifey💍: ok 😘

" hurry up Miss Y/L/N time waits for no one" he says "ok ok I'm coming" I say while I started to approach his desk to handover my phone "thank you, you may take a seat now" he says and I go back to my seat, "I can't wait to get up out of this school" I say under my breath.

I'm at lunch right now with steel and Nate "yeah fr that was a good game y'all had Friday" Nate says "yeah I had to do my best The scouts was out there" steel says, I wasn't really listening to there conversation because I was still on the SUV situation but I Heard a familiar voice call me "Y/N/N" steel says while waving his hand in my face "ye-yeah " I say " I said are you ok you been gone like all day" he says and Nate nods in agreement "yea I'm good just thinking" I say "oh well i-"he was going to say something but the Twins came over "hi Y/N" they say at the same time "can we sit with you" they at the same time again "yeah" I said and they set on the sides of me "so Y/N/N how was your beak from school" Khadijah says while smiling at me "umm it was good, didn't really do anything but stay in the house" I say "oh well it's good to have you back" Khadijah says "it's good to be ba-" but before I can finish my sentence steel clears his throat "oh umm these are my friends steel even though I think you know who he is and um Nate" I say and they say there hi's and hello's "so um how do you guys know Y/N/N" steel says "umm we want to dennys together a few weeks back" Malika says while looking at me but I don't give her the satisfaction "oh ok" steel says "so um steel what colleges do you think your going to, have you decided" Nate says to try to break the tension.

I'm in my last class of the day and we got like 10 minutes in here so I decided to text Y/B/N to get ready to pick me up.

Me: yeah umm get ready to come pick me up

Y/B/N😭: yeah about that I'm at my job right now

Me: ok what that got to do with me

Y/B/N😭: you inconsiderate asshole I recommending you for this job 😂

Me: oh really

Y/B/N😭: yeah because I know how hard it been for you to find a job so I'm helping you out

Me: oh Ty bff that's why I love you 😘

Y/B/N😭: love you too😘

Me: wait but Who picking me up

Y/B/N😭: oh right doja is

Me: oh I don't mind that

Y/B/N😭: yeah I bet you wouldn't with yo nasty ass

Me: yeah whatever

The bell rings soon after and I put my book bag on and I'm out the door, I'm outside waiting for doja until someone comes in the front of me and I look up to see Malika but she's not with her sister "oh hey Malika" I say "hey" she says "umm where is your sister" I say feeling a lil uncomfortable " with her boyfriend, I just didn't want to third wheel so I came over to you" she says while she takes a sit next to me "oh yeah I know how that feels" I say while scooting over a little bit "so who you wanting for" she says while she moves a little closer "umm my girlfriend" I say "oh like a girl that's a friend" she says "no like a woman that I'm in a relationship with" I say and I see her face slumped down with a little sadness but comes back up with anger, but as soon as she was going to say something doja blows the horn "umm that's my ride....see you tomorrow" I say while getting up "yep" she says with a little rage in her voice "ok and tell your sister I said bye" I say while walking backwards and getting in the car.

"So who was that" doja says


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