Birthday Bush pt.3

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Doja POV

"Ok so yo-" we say in sync "ok how about you go first" She says while smiling, aw she's such a gentlewoman "ok so um how are you?" I say not knowing what to say at the moment "um I'm good, you?" She says with one of her eyebrow raised "that's good and I'm good as well, Thanks for asking" I say as I look at my hands "doja" she says and I put my head up but I don't look at her "doja look at me for a minute" she says while grabbing my chin softly so I can look at her and that give me butterflies and a little pussy throb-NO! Focus "ok um I just wanted to ask a few questions" I say while looking at her "ok hit me" she says while getting comfortable on her bed "so the guy downstairs" "who? Keith?" She ask "yes" "ok what about him?" She asked confused "well I saw you guys at the mall and I saw you guys hugging and-" I say but I was cut off by her laughing "haha I'm sorry it's just-haha" she says and I feel embarrassed "omg you and your bfs are just alike" I say getting up "ok ok I'm sorry it just caught me off guard, ok?" she says while putting her hands on my shoulders "ok" I say "ok, now sit your lil sensitive self down" she says while smiling and walking as back to her bed "I'm not sensitive I'm just-" "yeah ok but continue I'm all ears" she says while pulling on her ears and I laugh "ok now back to what I was says before I was interrupted, so the guy down is your bfs?" "correct and he's noting more then a brother to me" she says showing off her dimples and I just thought that was so cute "ok I just wanted to clear that up but I have one more question then we can get back to the party" I say as I get nervous for what I'm about to ask "ok I'm not in no rush because honestly" she says as she comes by my ear and I feel her breath ghost my ear "I wanted to spend it with you" she says and I freeze.


"I wanted to spend it with you" I say and I was shocked by what I said like what am I doing? I can't be doing this I'm going to get myself killed! but what really shocked me next is that I start kissing her neck and as I'm doing I look up to see if doja was ok with me doing this and it looks like she was enjoying it "Y/N wE nEed to t-" she says though moans and stops but I just hum in return because honestly I didn't know what I was doing I wanted to stop but something in me just couldn't. I put some of my body weight on her to lay us both down so now I'm on top "Can I kiss you?" "Yes" she says and that gives me a little throb because I just Love consent, so we begin to kiss and let me tell you it felt amazing ok because it's been to long since I felt this sensation on my lips, at first it was compassionate but after a few minutes it begins to be a lil bit rough and she starts to dominate me and I like it "oh ok I see you being rough with it" "stf and just kiss me" "yes Ma'am" I say as we get back to kissing, right now she's on top of me and I'm kind of sitting up with it. She then begins to grind on my lap and biting on my neck even though it hurts but it feels so fucking good so this is new to me, shit I'm not gone lie...I damn near cam in my pants "ay Y/N you coming back to the par-" Keith bust in like I can't never get non without someone or something interrupting, doja hops off my lap and jumps off the bed damn I miss the heat of her body on top of mine "OMG IM SORRY" "just get out!" I say and he slams the door as i but my head back "I'm sorry about that" I say as I sit by her "it's fine maybe we wasn't supposed to do that and just talk instead " she says and I feel a little sad "right" I say and we sit there in silence for a minute till Doja breaks it up "so umm I didn't get to ask my question" "oh right go ahead and ask me" "ok um...why did you break up with me" she says while looking into my soul and I got nervous by the question and her looking at me in the eyes, I mean it's not like we haven't locked eyes before but this was different "um wow...look at the time don't you think we should be heading back down to the party? There going to start singing happy birthday in a minute" I say trying to change the subject but she was not going "Y/N do you think this is a joke? Because it's not this is real shit" she says and she gets up to stand in front of me "no I don't think this is a joke this is a serious topic" "ok so stop playing and tell me the truth I won't be mad if it was another girl" "what?! no I could never your the only one I see myself building a future with" I said and I was shocked at what I just said and so was doja because her eyes got really big and watery "o ok if that's true tell me why we broke up?" She said on the verge of tears "look if I can tell you believe me I would but-" "what do you mean if I can tell you I would? Look- Y/N tell me now or I'm leaving and don't even bother calling me anymore" she says while crying and her voice cracking, and at that moment I had a flashback of what Michael told me that day.

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