Chapter 2: Meeting the Doctor

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"Wanda? Is that really you?" Rory's gaze held such bewilderment that it started to make Wanda uncomfortable.

"Um... that is my name yes. D-do... do I know you?" she asked quietly. Rory smiled kindly at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Wanda. I didn't recognize you at first. Of course I've only ever met your blonde and raven self so far. Then of course you probably already..." He broke off from the rest of his sentence, suddenly going wide eyed. Not from shock or surprise, but realization. "Oh! Oh. You ... you don't know me yet. Or... but wait..." He sat back on his hunches staring at her. She shifted slightly, starting to become extremely nervous now.

"So that's what she meant," he muttered quietly.

"Excuse me, but what's going on here? Do you know this woman?" asked Ambrose. Rory jumped, not realizing where he still sat and what he had been doing.

"Oh, yes, she's a friend of mine," he called up. Standing up quickly, he reached a hand out to Wanda to take. Slowly, she reached up and grasped the hand. He pulled her up with ease, helping her stay steady on her feet.

"What was your friend doing down there?" asked Elliot curiously.

"Oh, um..." Rory glanced back between Wanda and the two others above, seeming not quite sure how to explain her appearance in there. "She had been sent out earlier... to you know, do some investigating... and stuff. Must have fallen in. Right, Wanda?" He gave her a look that said to just agree with him. Wanda nodded slowly. Still unsure as to what was happening. Rory quickly pulled himself up from the grave, then turned and helped Wanda up as well.

"There. All better now, right?" he asked as he helped brush the mud off of her. She gave him a small nod. "Right, well we better be off and find our other colleagues, then." Rory started walking along, pulling Wanda lightly beside him.

"Now, hold on a second. Aren't you going to investigate what's been happening here?" called Ambrose. "I've waited long enough for you people to even come out here."

"We're just going to get our other friends, and then I assure you, Mrs. Northover, we will come back and work out what has been happening here. I promise," said Rory calmly. Suddenly, the sky above them lit up red. All present froze in place, staring wide eyed at the sky as a dome shape of electric red covered the sky. The whole land, of which they stood, now trapped within a cage of electricity. Wanda, shocked and surprised by seeing such a sight, stumbled backwards as she stepped away from the group. She landed with a soft thud on a patch of blue grass. She blinked in surprise as she felt the grass.

"Blue grass," she whispered quietly. She stood up slowly, plucking up some of the blue grass with her. Rolling the blades between her fingers, she bounced lightly on the ground. "The ground is wrong." Rory turned to her, giving her a gaze of questioning.

"The Doctor said something like that earlier," he said. "Do you know what's happening, Wanda?" She glanced around the graveyard. In the corner of her eye, she saw a patch of ground shifting. She looked quickly to Rory.

"The ground is dangerous," she told him. Rory's eyes widened.

"All right, everyone, I think we should head back into the village. Quickly!" He led the way while the rest of them followed. Wanda's head buzzed with questions while she followed behind. They reached the centre of the village to see... the Doctor. The Eleventh Doctor. Wanda froze behind Ambrose and Elliot, staring in shock at the sight before her. She could not believe her eyes, but there he was. Tweed jacket, maroon braces, and red bow-tie. Everything, down from the last hair on his head to gleam in his eye, screamed the Doctor. He was even waving his green-tipped sonic screwdriver in the air at the red dome above. Shaking her head quickly, Wanda tried ridding herself of the image before her. This had to be some sort of dream or trick. There were no possibilities of this being real. The only logical solution would be a dream, but never before had Wanda had a dream such as this. Not only was it extremely vivid, but the characters could actually hear her, see her.

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