Chapter 21: Meet Ganger Wanderer

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The Doctor sat in the dining hall alone. The Gangers had left a while ago, leaving him there as a watch guard of some sort. He clasped his hands tightly together, bouncing his knee as he sat on the table. He did not like this. This situation felt wrong. Everything about this felt amiss. He jumped slightly when his inside pocket started to ring. Ringing? Why would it be ringing? He had expected the holographic phone call to be ringing. Not his pocket. He dug through it quickly, going all the way up to his elbow to reach for the noisy mobile. Pulling it out, he stared curiously at it, wondering why exactly he had a mobile on him. Turning it over, he received his answer with a small note written on the back of it.

Just in case of emergencies.

And don't throw this one in Strehoxx swamps just because you don't agree with the ringtone or voicemail. Already gave the number to Amy and Rory, so actually answer it for once.


The Doctor chuckled after reading it. Of course Wanda would sneak emergency mobile into his pocket. How many times had she done this now? He lost count, really. Shaking his head, he hurriedly answered it when starting to realize that whoever was ringing him might be calling just for such emergency.

"Hello?" he asked curiously, wondering who it might be.

"They took Wanda!"

He flinched, pulling his ear away from the mobile as he heard his own voice shout from the other end. Then icy horror washed through him when the words sank in. He pressed his ear back to the mobile, gripping it angrily.

"They what?" he growled in question.

"The Gangers. They took Wanda. They're taking her to the Flesh now. They're going to make her a Ganger," Ganger Doctor spoke rapidly through the line. The Doctor shot up from the table and gritted his teeth together.

"What about 'keep Wanda away from the Flesh at all costs' did you not understand?" he barked at Ganger Doctor. He heard muffling, hearing someone grab the mobile.

"It was stupid Rory! He was tricked into helping the Gangers," Amy said angrily. The mobile was grabbed back.

"You need to rescue Wanda. And quickly," Ganger Doctor said hurriedly. Amy grabbed the mobile once more.

"Look, I know you're a Ganger and all, but if you're anything like the Doctor. If you have any of his memoires or feelings then you will save Wanda! You got that?" Amy said harshly.

"Of course I'm going to save Wanda! Especially, since the other idiotic and useless me can't seem to handle it," the Doctor replied just as harshly.

"Don't you talk about the Doctor that," Amy retorted loudly.

"Oh, shut up, Pond. I am the Doctor!"

"Oh, what, so we're giving up on the charade now?" Ganger Doctor voiced sarcastically over the mobile.

"The charade was over the second you put Wanda in danger," the Doctor snapped.

"Wait, what?" Amy questioned in confusion. "You're not . . . he's not . . . you're not the Doctor." The Doctor rolled his eyes, not wishing to deal with any of this at the moment.

"Of course I'm the Doctor. And he's the Ganger. I'm Fred. He's George," he responded in a rush.

"What?" Amy responded in disbelief.

"We switched shoes the moment you weren't looking." The Doctor heard someone grab the mobile away as Amy stuttered in shock.

"Look, just find Wanda okay? And then hurry to the crypt. This room is going to fill up with acid soon," said Ganger Doctor.

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