Chapter 36: A Changed Wanda

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"Save Rose! Save Rose!"

Wanda continued to cry these words. She kept her eyes closed tightly, refusing to believe she had left her friend there to die. Refusing to believe that the Doctor had not saved Rose. Wanda only hoped she were still there. There to convince the Doctor to save Rose. Wanda felt horrible that she could not do it herself. But the images kept flashing through. Images that it must be the Doctor to be the one to do it. She knew these were not the possibilities. They were images coming from Bad Wolf. Or possibly the TARDIS. Or even from both. They would have never let Wanda be the one to take the Time Vortex out of Rose. Nine's regeneration was a much as a fixed point in time as Rose becoming Bad Wolf.

"Wanda?! Wanda, calm down. It's all right. You're safe."

No, no one's safe. Did they not understand? No one was safe as long as Wanda was so willing to just let her friend die like that. Did they not see? She truly was a killer if she had let Rose die. And Wanda was going to kill again if someone did not put a stop to her. She would only kill again. Who would be next? Clara? Amy? Rory? River? Donna? Martha? The Doctor?



Wanda's head whipped to the side, ceasing her screams. She stared around in a daze as the room around her came into view. It seemed to be an underground bunk of sorts. Large medical machines scattered around, and an assortment of weapons scattered around here and there. She also saw strange humanoids. Their heads were that of fish with a green liquid tube attached to their mouths. All wore black, military uniforms. They stared at Wanda cautiously as she gazed around.

She snapped her head back to see Martha standing before her. She had been the one to call out to Wanda and slap her. Martha stared at her with worry, looking anxious by Wanda's behavior.

"Sorry about the slap. But it was the only thing I could think of," said Martha. Wanda blinked at the girl, and then jerked away from her.

"Stay away from me! I'll only kill you, too!" Wanda shouted in fright. She backed up quickly, going into a corner. She slid down; hiding her face within her pulled up her knees and covered her head with her hands. She cried as she thought about Rose. She had really changed time in the end. She had killed off Rose forever. Oh, poor Jackie and Mickey. They would be heartbroken. Poor Doctor. Because of her, he lost the girl he was meant to love.

Martha stared in shock to her friend. She had never seen Young Wanda in such a state before. Maybe older Wandas, but never this one. The Hath around her began pointing their weapons at the crying girl.

"No! Wait!" Martha called out quickly, stopping their actions by hold up her hands and standing in front of them. "She's my friend. She doesn't mean you harm. She's just . . . a little upset over something. I'll talk to her." The Hath lowered their weapons, nodding for her to do so. Martha quickly walked over and crouched by Wanda's side. "Wanda? What happened?"

"I killed her," Wanda cried.

"Killed who?"

Wanda lifted her head, tears streaming down her face. "Rose. I killed Rose. I'd let her die."

Martha blinked in confusion. "Rose's dead? Since when?"

Wanda rubbed at her tears, trying to get herself back into her right mind. She stared up at Martha, suddenly hopeful for Rose's fate. "Do you know what happened to Rose?"

"Last time I heard, she was lost to another universe."

"Oh, thank god!" Wanda cried in relief, hugging Martha tightly. "I mean, not thank god that's she's lost, just . . . thank god she's all right. Oh, thank god." Wanda began to cry some more, holding Martha as she shook.

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