Chapter 3: Cold Blood

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"So, I think I've met these creatures before. Different branch of the species, mind, but all the same. . .," the Doctor explained to Rory quickly. They were currently outside in the sunlight, standing by the cellar door which led underneath the church. The Doctor had a lighthearted tone as he explained all of this to Rory, but his face spoke otherwise. His eyes were in a storm of emotion, and expression set with constant worry. Rory glanced at him repeatedly, anxious about the Doctor. He knew what the Time Lord got like when Wanda was in trouble. He still remembered what the Doctor had been like in Venice. All Rory could hope to do was to keep the Time Lord as calm as he could.

"Let's see if our friend's thawed out," the Doctor went on as he opened the cellar door. Both Rory and him walked inside into a cobwebbed and damp cellar; the whole area itself rather cramped and small.

"Are you sure? By yourself?" Rory asked concerned.

"Very sure," the Doctor told him confidently. "Venom gland takes at least twenty-four hours to recharge, so I don't have to worry about being poisoned." He stood in the doorway of the interior room, glaring at their prisoner. "Am I right?" He received no answer from the other. "I know what I'm doing. I'll be fine." He assured Rory, even giving the man a pat on the shoulder.

Rory gave him a skeptical look before exiting the cellar. The Doctor then turned back to their captive, studying them closely with his piercing gaze. He walked towards them slowly.

"I'm The Doctor. I've come to talk," he spoke calmly to the creature sitting on the floor before him. After removing their mask, he revealed to himself a Silurian female who stared aggressively back at him. Very much a Homo Reptilia, with green scales as skin though with many features similar to humans. Giving her some compliments, trying to ease the tension between them, he grabbed a nearby chair and sat down in front of the Silurian. He crossed one leg over the other and clasped his hands together tightly. "Now, your people have a friend of mine, and have taken someone very precious to me." The Doctor leaned forward slightly, giving her a hard stare. "I want them back."


"Are you sure about this?" Rory asked once again as the Doctor stormed off to his TARDIS. The Doctor seemed to have made up his mind by going down below to the Silurians. Rory did hope that maybe he could save Amy and Wanda, but at the same time had a horrible feeling about the Doctor leaving the rest of them behind.

"Yes, I'm sure," the Doctor said firmly. He reached the TARDIS doors, ready to open them when he paused. "Rory... I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. Just know, I wasn't blaming you."

"Yeah, I know," Rory sighed. "Same goes for me."

"It's my fault... I should have been more careful with Amy, and I should have paid more attention to Wanda." The Doctor leaned his head against the TARDIS door in a sorrowful manner. "It's her first time with me and I let her get captured. I couldn't keep her safe. It's Venice all over again."

"It's okay, Doctor. Wanda told me earlier that Amy would be all right. She promised." Rory patted the Doctor's shoulder lightly, trying to reassure him. "I'm sure that means she'll be all right as well."

The Doctor turned his head to Rory. "But that's the thing, Rory. She can always promise the safety of others... but she can never guarantee her own. You've seen that for yourself."


Wanda's eyes fluttered open as she heard someone struggling next to her. She looked around rapidly, trying to get her bearings as to where she was. She had been certain she would have woken up by now. But it appeared she was still trapped within her dream. She was in an underground lab of sorts, with dirt walls and vegetation growing everywhere. She felt herself strapped into a chair with restraints wrapped around her wrists, keeping her bound to it. Instantly, she knew she had awoken within the Silurian Doctor Malohkeh's lab. But... if she was in the lab... that means...

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