Chapter 34: The Dreaded Day

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After they had taken Caecilius and his family to a safe location, Wanda immediately went to the shower. She stood there, letting the hot water sting her skin. She had rubbed every inch of her body raw. Scrubbing away all the ash as it made black trails in the drain. She wished the ache in her chest would go down the drain as well. All she could think about was the face of that little girl. Over and over her terror played out in Wanda's mind. She found she could no longer cry, even though she so wished to. To let out the sadness in some form, so it would not continue to swell up inside of her. But all her tears had been spent. So, all she could do now was stare blankly to the shower wall as she let the emotions swirl around.

Wanda sighed heavily, rubbing at her face with her hands. She needed to stop this. She needed to push forward and move on. She needed to be strong. To be strong like the Doctor. So, she closed her eyes tightly, counting in her mind. One. Two. Three. . . . . One. Two. Three. She found it harder to thrust the sadness away than her fears. But she managed. She slapped her face lightly to get a smile upon it. Today was not a day for sadness. Today was a day to be happy. After all, it was the day that made it official. She had been with the Doctor for exactly a year now. Exactly twelve months. She could not wait to tell the Doctor.

After drying herself off, she got dressed and bounced down the TARDIS corridor back to the control room. She saw that Donna had showered as well, sitting her in her normal clothing and talking with the Doctor. The Doctor had yet to wash up, only brush off the ash from his hair. Wanda knew he was probably waiting for her to be done. She should have asked him if he wanted it first before jumping in herself.

Donna looked up from the control seat, smiling at Wanda when she saw her.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" she asked gently. Wanda returned the smile.

"Better," she answered. She sat down next to the woman, hugging onto her arm. Donna returned the hug with a pat on Wanda's arm, grateful for the affection from the Time Lady.

"Do they make it all right in the end?" Donna asked her curiously.

"Oh, yes. Very much so," Wanda said happily. "Evelina takes your advice to just live and be a normal teenager." She turned her head, smiling to the Doctor. "And Quintus follows in your footsteps and becomes a doctor himself. The whole family has the most happy of lives. You two made the biggest difference in their world. You made it all the better." They both smiled brightly at that note. Glad to have done some good on this day.

"That's good to hear," the Doctor said softly. Wanda beamed away to him.

"And guess what today is," she said brightly. He chuckled some, just glad to see her happy self again.

"What?" he asked.

"Today, it's been a full year of travelling! Today, I have official been travelling with you for exactly twelve months." When she said this, she did not expect the reaction she received. Instead of the happy note she expected, the Doctor looked horrified. He gasped loudly, eyes widening greatly. He rushed forward and pulled Wanda up to him.


Wanda stared in shock, unsure what to think of his reaction. "Um, I-I said I've been travelling with you for a year now."

"No." He breathed out, shaking slightly. "No, not today." He held her tightly to his chest.

"Doctor?" she questioned in uncertainty.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into her ear. With that said, she felt a rush of warmth and white light overtake her. It threw her away from him and into another time. She fell against a wall as she stumbled from the sudden loss of support of the Doctor.

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