Chapter 23: Scribbles

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Wanda appeared near some train tracks, with large shipping containers and orange caution cones scattered all around. Glancing to her surroundings, she began to wonder where she could have possibly been transported to when she heard the TARDIS engine. It slowly materialized into place between two large, blue shipment containers. She smiled brightly upon seeing the old girl and hearing the famous whooshing, guttural sound. She always did love the TARDIS's famous sound. For to her, it was a sound of hope and home.

She giggled when she saw Ten trying to step out, but was blocked from leaving the ship. Practically running smack into a barrier only two inches from his nose. He had parked with the TARDIS doors facing the blue shipping container, unable to actually leave the old girl. She heard him give a small note in surprise before going back into the ship. It dematerialized for a second before coming back with the doors facing the right away. He stepped back out, giving a small cheer for his success this time around.

"You never can park right," Wanda commented. He blinked in surprise upon seeing her standing there. He pouted lightly when realizing what was said.

"I'd like to see you park the TARDIS," he said sarcastically.

"You have seen her park the TARDIS. She drives and parks much better than you ever could," Rose teased him. She poked the Time Lord in the side before bouncing up and giving Wanda a big hug. "Hey, you. How have you been?"

"I've been great," Wanda replied happily. "You wouldn't believe where I've been off to. A world filled with giant bugs. As big as houses!" Rose made a disgusted face.

"Oh, yuck," she said, revolted by the idea. Wanda laughed at the face her friend made.

"Oh, but they were sweet. Like a bunch of playful dogs. One kept wanting me to play fetch," Wanda said in delight. She hook Rose's arm with her, and then did the same with the Doctor, walking with them both. "So, where are we? I'm guessing," she let go of Rose to lick her finger, pointing it into the air, "2012?"

"Correctamundo," the Doctor said with a grin, then blinked when realizing something. "Oh, I used that word again. I need to remind myself not to say that." Wanda giggled and grinned, linking her arm with Rose once again to continue their walk. They travelled a ways down a nice and quiet neighborhood to see a large banner hanging over the street.

"Thirtieth Olympiad," the Doctor indicated joyfully.

"No way," Rose said in amazement. Wanda beamed brightly.

"Cool! I always wanted to see this 'Olympic' thing for myself," she said excitedly. Both friends turned to stare at her curiously.

"What, seriously? Do you not have the Olympics back home, or something?" asked Rose.

"Nope. We don't have anything like this back in my world," Wanda explained. She frowned, thinking before shrugging slightly. "If fact, not much sports either when I think about it. It was sort of a made up thing for the show."

"No sports? Seriously? How do your world's countries get together then. You know, for sportsmanship, world peace, bringing the nations together, and such?" Rose questioned the Time Lady, frowning slightly with confusion.

Wanda frowned, thinking heavily this time. Trying to remember exactly how the other countries got along in her world. But every time she tried to picture it, her mind went blank. The only thing she could see clearly was her little village. It was the only thing she had ever known or paid attention to. Everything else . . . just sort of slipped through the cracks. "I'm not sure . . . I think the rest of the world got along. I don't remember there being any conflicts or wars, so maybe they didn't see the need to have Olympics. There wasn't much besides my village anyway."

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