Chapter 31: The Artist's Sight

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Wanda caught up with the Doctor somewhere down an alley way. He turned quickly when he heard something shuffling around down another adjacent one. She knew he was hearing the Krafayis following him. She stared down to the alleyway herself, looking sad to the invisible creature's direction. She felt sorry for the poor thing. Especially, in knowing how the creature would die. She did not wish it to die, but at the same time she knew it was a must. It was blind and hurt, and, worst of all, alone in the world. Perhaps, though horrible to even contemplate on, death was the only way to bring peace to the lost creature. Wanda did not like that thought, but . . . maybe, sometimes, death was the only option for some.

She sighed heavily, shaking her head sadly. She never wished death upon anyone or anything. Did not ever want it to happen. But if it brought peace to those who needed it, then she would understand.

The Doctor turned when he heard her sigh. He blinked in surprise upon seeing her. He frowned, not liking that fact that she had left the house. He was too worried to have her walking about, afraid that something might trigger another memory relapse.

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay with Vincent," he said sternly. Wanda walked up to him, rolling her eyes at his statement.

"Amy's got that covered. I'm here to help you," she said. She linked her arm with his, dragging him off to the TARDIS and ignoring his protests. She was really starting to notice how overprotective Eleven seemed to be around her. Then again, Eleven had always seemed on the show to be the overprotective type to all of his companions.

As soon as they were in the TARDIS, the Doctor started to dig around in an old chest. He tossed out a random assortment of things onto the floor, digging through until he found an old, dusty device. It looked like a strange gadget with a harness and a large mirror sticking up in the front. He beamed when he found it, jumping up and rushing over to the console. Wanda shook her head slightly at him, frowning that he would leave such a mess behind. She was sure Sexy would not appreciate it, so she picked back up the items and placed them into the chest.

"You seriously need to not leave this place in such a mess. I mean, what does Sexy think about it?" she called over to him.

He was not paying attention as he began working on getting the machine to operate correctly. She walked up beside him to see him posing for the mirror. He stuck out his tongue as it got an image of him. The machine swirled and printed out a long list of pictures of all his incarnations. He smiled when it worked, picking up Vincent's sketch to show the machine. It dinged, showing the images of a parrot and a polar bear. The Doctor pouted when it did not give him the results he needed.

"This is the problem with the impressionists . . . not accurate enough," the Doctor complained. "This would never happen with Gainsborough or one of those proper painters." Wanda frowned heavily, giving a smack on the back of his head like she had seen Amy and Rory do during a few occasions during their travels.

"Oi! Don't dis Vincent," Wanda scolded. "He's way better than all those other painters in my opinion. Their art is boring and dull."

The Doctor pouted lightly, rubbing the back of his head. "Since when did young you smack me around?"

She snickered, grinning at him. "Since I saw Amy and Rory do it. They gave me the idea."

"Oh, they started that did they? I'll have to have a word with those two." He paused for a moment, thinking sadly. "That is . . . if we ever see Rory again. I still don't believe you on that."

Wanda shrugged at his disbelief. It did not matter whether he believed her or not. She was just glad to know Rory still existed in the future.

"I'll also have to have a serious chat with whoever started you on the soufflés," the Doctor grumbled, tapping on the device he was working on. "I swear, as soon as I find them, I'm going to make them eat one of your soufflés."

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