Chapter 4: The lost play

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The white light disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. Leaving Wanda blinking rapidly in bewilderment, trying to clear her vision. Finally able to see clearly, she saw she was standing within the TARDIS again. This time in Ten's control room. The same coral pillars and grunge outlook as from the show. Staring around in confusion, she wondered what she was doing here.

Two people standing within the room caught her gaze. It was Martha Jones and Ten himself standing by the TARDIS doors. Martha stood there with her arms crossed, staring in. puzzlement at Ten. Ten stood with his back to Wanda, his hands within the pockets of his brown pinstriped suit.

"So... she just jumps around your timeline? Just like that?" Wanda heard Martha ask.

"Yep," the Doctor said with a small pop at the end with the 'p'. He even started bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet. Martha started to open her mouth again in question before she finally spotted Wanda standing by the console.

"Who's she?" she blurted out, pointing to Wanda. The Doctor spun on his feet, facing Wanda as well. He gave a big smile upon seeing her.

"Wanda! Sorry, didn't notice you there," he said brightly. He bounded over to her, opening his arms to give her a hug. Wanda, in fear of what was happening, backed away quickly. The Doctor stopped short, confusion written all over his face. "What's wrong?"

"I-I don't understand," Wanda stuttered out, pinching her thumb hard. "I-I should have woken up by now. Why haven't I woken up?" She pinched her thumb even harder then, wondering if maybe the pain would awaken her. Her heart beat rapidly, causing a pounding echo within her ears. She rubbed her chest, wincing in pain from it.

Frowning heavily, the Doctor pulled out his sonic and began scanning her. Wanda flinched at the sonic passed over her face. He flipped it up to him, staring at the readings. Eyebrows raised high; he stared at her in pure shock.

"Wow, uh...," he said quietly. At that point he started rubbing his hand through his hair in a nervous manner. "Blimey... um. .." He seemed very unsure of what to do with the situation before him. Wanda just stared wide eyed at him. He finally let his hand fall back to his side. His eyes searching her face carefully. "Have we... met before or..." He trailed off, seeming not sure on what to say to her..

"I've... I've just been with your Eleventh self," she said lightly.

"Good, good," the Doctor nodded slowly. "So, then... we've met before. Well, you've met me before. Well, not this me. Future me..." He trailed off, blinking at her. "Um, hello."

"H-hi," she said back. Staring blankly at him for a moment, her eyes began to drift around the room. Spotting the TARDIS doors, Wanda ran to them and rushed out.

With the door closing behind her, she spun to face the ship. The color, design, windows, and light fixture on top were in the slightest and exact detail to that of the show. Wanda began to walk around the TARDIS, trailing her hand on the box, feeling the wooden texture. She could almost sense the power and might held within, the energy radiating and pulsing into her fingertips. It felt so real. Everything felt so real: the night air, the noises of London echoing around, the hard wood underneath her hand. She even spotted the Vote for Saxon posters a wall off to the side of the TARDIS. Everything suddenly became so clear at that moment, the moment she realized...

"Wanda?!" the Doctor called as he rushed out of the TARDIS. He looked wildly around before spotting her standing beside the TARDIS. With her hand still pressed against it. He held up his hands to her in a soothing and cautious gesture. "Look, I know what this seems like, but trust me on this, this is-"

"This is real," she said for him. He froze slightly, dropping his hands back down in surprise. Wanda kept her gaze steady onto his. "This is real, isn't it? This isn't a dream?" He just nodded his head lightly. At that point, Martha had walked out of the TARDIS looked at them both confused. Wanda's eyes drifted to the girl. "You're the real Martha Jones." Martha stopped, a wary expression directed to Wanda.

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