Chapter 6: The new life

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Wanda had the wind knocked out of her as she fell to the floor. She lay with her face pressed to the hard metal beneath her, gasping to fill her lungs back up with air. Lying there, she tried blinking her vision clear of the appearing white spots from her jumping through time. Finally, everything came in clear for her to see herself in a metal corridor. The low hum of the TARDIS sounded around her. Slowly, she pushed herself up and stood with the quiet halls.

"Oi! Who the hell are you?"

Whipping her head around, she saw Donna Noble standing down the way. With her hands on her hips sending a stern gaze to Wanda's direction. The woman walked up swiftly to the girl

"I'm asking you a question, now spill," Donna said in a commanding voice.

"Wanda," the chestnut girl croaked out. The air still not fully back into her lungs. Donna frowned heavily at the girl, crossing her arms now.

"You ain't Wanda. I know Wanda. She ain't no brunette," Donna said sternly. Then she blinked, seeming to realize something. "Hold on, the Doctor did mention something about . . . 'other hers'. Or something like that. So . . ." She sent Wanda a cool stare. "If you are Wanda, prove it." Wanda stood there nervously, not quite sure what to say. She decided basic information would do.

"You're Donna Noble," Wanda began to list off rapidly. "You're the daughter of Geoff and Sylvia Noble. Grandfather is Wilfred Mott. You don't get along with your mother very well, but wonderfully with your grandfather. You used to work as a temp at H.C. Clements, where there you had been dosed by Huon particles. The only reason you had decided to take that job is because you had made the decision to turn left instead of right to the other job your mother wanted you to take. Your first day at school you were sent home from biting a boy, Thomas, who had—"

"All right. All right," Donna stopped her abruptly. Wanda paused, blinking at her in fear that what she had said was not enough for Donna. But Donna just smiled kindly at her, laughing lightly. "I believe you. Blimey, the Doctor wasn't kidding about the changing faces. I'm jealous! I wish I could do that. You have no idea how tired I get of this daft face of mine." She pointed to her face, laughing.

"Oh! But you have a wonderful face," Wanda said quickly, not wanting Donna to put herself down. Donna just laughed again, waving it off. She then came beside Wanda, hooking an arm with one of her own.

"Sorry, about the tough girl act. Can't be too sure who to trust anymore. Now, come on, let's go find your Spaceman." Donna steered the girl down the corridor, towards the control room. Wanda could see the Doctor messing around lazily with some of the controls on the console.

"Donna?" he called out. "Are you done looking around yet? We have places to go to, you know."

"Oi, Spaceman! Guess who I found," Donna yelled to him. The Doctor turned around to see Wanda next to Donna. He beamed at the girl.

"Wanda! Glad to see this you again. It's been awhile," he said happily. He jumped down to where they stood, standing close to them. "So, what've you been up to?"

"We've just been with Shakespeare," Wanda stated slowly. She glanced to Donna then back to the Doctor. Feeling confused as to why she kept jumping around the Doctor's timeline. She knew the white light caused it. But what was the light and why exactly does it transport her around at random? "Doctor, what's been happening to me? Why do I keep jumping around your timeline at random?"

The Doctor rubbed the back of his head and said, "Shakespeare, huh? We never did get a chance to talk, did we? Well, then," He walked up and took her hand into his, "I think it's time we did. Better late than never, right?" He then steered Wanda back down the corridor. "Donna, I hope you don't mind. I'm gonna steal Wanda away for a while." Donna waved them off.

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