Chapter 13: Beware the Wolf

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She did not stay unconscious for long. Her Time Lord mind kicked in immediately as a basic defense system. Though, this did not mean it kicked into full clarity. Much of her mind was still muddled from the severe hit. Wanda groggily opened her eyes to see the monks dragging her down into the cellar. They threw her down to the ground and chained up her hands. Storming back out of the room, they slammed the door sending everyone into darkness. Rose helped Wanda sit up carefully, noticing the small welt on her head.

"Wanda, are you okay? Oh, they hit you," Rose spoke quietly. Wanda sat up straighter, waving her hand absently. Making sure to keep her eyes trained on the figure sitting down the way from them, locked up in a cage.

"It's fine. It's not the first time someone has hit me," Wanda dismissed to her. She studied the figure in the cage closely, watching their movements. Making sure they were not about to transform just yet.

"Don't make a sound," Lady Isobel told them in a rush. "They said if we scream or shout, then he will slaughter us." Rose glanced over to the figure in the cage, just now noticing it. She gave the Lady a skeptical look.

"But he's in a cage," she stated. "He's a prisoner. He's the same as us." Wanda gripped Rose's hand, getting her attention.

"There's a reason he's in a cage, Rose. And it's not because he's a prisoner like us," she told the girl.

"That creature is not mortal," breathed the scared wife. The figure lifted their head, showing them a young man under the black hood of his. He opened his eyes to reveal them to be nothing but dark and cruel, almost lifeless. Pure black, just as his cloak. Everyone winced back in fright as those dead eyes stared at them coldly.

"What do we do?" Rose asked in Wanda's ear in a frightened breath.

Wanda stared at the young man, eyeing him evenly. Truthfully, her fear gnawed at her hearts, leaping around her mind in an alarm upon the sight of the creature. She wanted nothing more than to just back away. To hide herself in the far corner like the coward she felt herself to be. But she ignored this and closed her eyes, counting down. One. Two. Three. She thrust the fear away. She opened her eyes, deciding to go the Doctor's route.

"We talk to him," Wanda answered quietly. Slowly, they stood up together, creeping towards the cage in small steps.

"Don't," Lady Isobel whimpered to them. Both Rose and Wanda stopped when they reached the end of their chain, kneeling down to not seem threatening to the creature within the cage.

"I know what you really are, and that you are not truly from this world," Wanda addressed to him. "That form you hold is not even your true self. You've infected that poor boy when he was young, stolen by your Brethren."

"Ohhh. Intelligence," the creature spoke in an amused tone. Rose glanced to Wanda then back to the creature.

"All right, so the body's human, but what about you, the thing inside?" Rose asked him.

"So far from home," the creature said in a sad voice.

"If you want to get back home, we can help," Rose said quickly. Wanda shook her head sadly.

"He does not wish to return home. He sees too much potential in this world," explained Wanda. She glared as harshly as she could manage to him. "You wish to infect the Queen as well. But I can promise you one thing. You will not succeed." The creature began to growl loudly, baring his teeth to her. She stood up, staring down at him calmly and evenly. Her fear started to rise again, but she pushed it down, not wishing to show this creature her fright. Needing to look as the Doctor did with her next few words.

"I'm going to give you one warning," she said in a hard tone. "Leave now, or you will be stopped." He lunged at the front of the cage, snarling at her. She could not help but cringe. Everyone else gasped and back away in terror.

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