Chapter 29: Childhood Fears

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Wanda skipped down the TARDIS corridors, going to the control room. She saw Amy and Rory standing by the console. Rory sipped on some coffee while Amy talked with him. Eleven lay on his back underneath the console, looking as though he were fixing something that did not really need fixing. The same thing he always did when he was bored.

"Hey, guys!" Wanda called out happily.


The Doctor had banged his from under the console from the sudden surprise of Wanda. He sat up to rub at his head. Amy and Rory beamed at Wanda, waving in greetings.

"Hey, Wanda. What've you been up to?" Amy asked brightly.

"Haven't been getting into trouble I hope," Rory said, taking a sip from his drink.

"Me? Trouble? Never," Wanda replied with a smirk. "Him however?" She pointed to the Doctor. "He's nothing but."

"I'm not trouble," the Doctor responded with a pout. He then blinked as if giving his statement a second thought. "At least, not all the time."

"Please. You just scream trouble," Amy retorted with a chuckle. Amy eyed Wanda up and down. "What's with the get up?" Wanda glanced down, realizing she was still wearing her medieval blue dress.

"Oh, right. I forgot I was wearing this," Wanda said in puzzlement. She reached up and started to take down her hair which had been placed up in a spiraling ponytail. "You wouldn't believe it. Ran into some rogue knights, which then turned out to be rogue aliens of the Onziolseeg system. They were trying to . . . Doctor, are you all right?"

The Doctor, who had been walking up towards Wanda to give her his usual hug whenever she showed up, had frozen to the spot a few inches away from her. He blinked rapidly as he stared at her.

"You're . . . you're wearing a corset," he said quickly. "Why are you wearing a corset?"

"Well, it went with the dress and the era. Martha was the real one to put me in it, anyway," Wanda replied, lowering her hands to stare down at her dress. Did it look bad on her or something? Ten had seemed to have a similar reaction whenever she had placed it on back during their adventure. He had kept glancing at her then looking away quickly with a red tint on his face. He had also kept fumbling around or stripping over things after he glanced at her. And for some reason, Martha would not stop laughing about something.

"I don't think a denim jacket goes with the medieval era," Rory remarked with a smirk. Amy next to him kept snickering.

"Yeah, but I love this jacket," Wanda countered.

"You're wearing a corset," the Doctor muttered, seeming to be in a daze while staring at her. He kept moving his hands around towards her then away from her quickly. As if he wanted to still give her a hug, but the dress disgusted him. At least . . . Wanda thought he seemed disgusted with it. It was hard to tell by his constantly changing expression.

"Wanda, why don't you get changed while the Doctor gets a hold of himself," Rory suggested to Wanda, seeming to look sternly at the certain dazed Time Lord. Amy held a similar expression.

"Um . . . okay," Wanda said quietly in confusion, moving back to go to her room.

After Wanda was out of sight, both Rory and Amy marched up and smacked the back of the Doctor's head. He winced rubbing sore spot with both hands.

"What was that for?" he whined.

"Get a hold of yourself, mister. I will not be having you trying any funny business with Young Wanda," Amy scolded him.

"Keep your hands to yourself," Rory said sternly.

"I wasn't doing anything. It was just . . . the dress . . . and her hair up . . . and the corset," the Doctor trailed off some, getting the dazed look again. Rory and Amy smacked him once more, making the Doctor shake his head quickly to snap himself out of it. "Right." He slapped himself in the face for good measure. Going back over to the console, he began distracting himself with working on the controls.

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