Chapter 18: Pocket Universe

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The Doctor, Clara, and Wanda ran outside quickly through the pouring rain. They splashed through puddles as they made their way over to the TARDIS. When they walked around the corner, facing the TARDIS, Clara stopped them both short. She stared at the ship with uncertainty.

"I've got this weird feeling she's always looking at me," she whispered to them. "She doesn't like me." Wanda smiled to the girl, patting her shoulder gently.

"The TARDIS is like a cat," the Doctor said lightly. "A bit slow to trust, but you'll get there in the end." He rushed to the TARDIS, opening her up and running inside. Wanda linked arms with Clara.

"Don't worry. The TARIDS will love you in the end, just as she loves all the Doctor's companions. She can just be a little stubborn at times," Wanda assured her.

"But how can I get her to like me?" asked Clara.

Wanda smiled brightly. "Just be your impossible self."

Clara raised a brow in question, but was unable to ask Wanda what she meant when she was dragged off by the Time Lady. Wanda pulled them inside the TARDIS. Smiling to the ship, Wanda walked up and patted the console gently.

"Hey, old girl. How've you been?" she whispered. The TARDIS beeped and hummed in response in a happy note. Her smiled brightened, knowing the TARDIS was happy to see Wanda. Just as Wanda was happy to see her.

Clara stood by the doors, staring to the umbrella in her hand to around the TARDIS.

"You guys need a place to keep this," she said to the Time Lords. The Doctor pointed behind his back.

"We've got one," he said. He glanced around his shoulder, blinking, then searched around the room himself. "Or we had one." He gazed around in confusion. "I think we had one. Wanda, did we have one?" He looked over to Wanda, staring to her as if she would know.

"Um, you had one for a while, but I don't know where it went to," Wanda said hesitantly. Why did he keep saying 'we' when speaking about his TARDIS? He started to look under the console.

"Look around. See if you find it," he called out. He started to mutter while searching for an umbrella holder. "Did we have one? Am I going mad? I'm pretty sure we had one, Wanda." Wanda shrugged when he looked to her again.

Clara, still over by the door, started to shake the water from the umbrella, sending droplets all over the floor. The Doctor turned to see her shaking the umbrella. He hurried over to scold her.

"No, not in here," he said, grabbing the umbrella from her hand. "How do you expect her to like you? She's soaking wet. It's a health and safety nightmare." He sat down the umbrella roughly. Clara crossed her arms, shuffling her feet in embarrassment. She glanced to the TARDIS ceiling.

"Sorry," she whispered apologetically to the old girl. The TARDIS hummed, in somewhat a disgruntled acknowledgment. Clara bounced down towards the console, scooting closer to Wanda and the Doctor. "So, where are we going?"

"Nowhere. We're staying right here," the Doctor answered her. He moved about the console, flipping switches and levers. "Right here, on this exact spot, if I can work out how to do it." The TARDIS engine started to rev up.

"So, when are we going?" Clara asked with a grin.

"Oh, that is good," the Doctor laughed, giving her a high five. "That is top-notch." He started to walk away, going down the metal stairs from the console.

"And the answer is?"

He did a quick spin around to answer her. "We're going always." He then continued to walk away and around a corner. Clara crossed her arms, leaning against the console. Wanda leaned against the railing, watching where the Doctor had gone.

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