Chapter 19: The Flesh

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Loud music blared through the TARDIS control room. Eleven stood by the console, staring fixedly to the scanner as it jumped around in its readings. Showing the pregnancy to be positive, and then back to negative at rapid speed. The scanner could not seem to make up its mind whether or not Amy was truly pregnant. He glanced over to the Ponds. Both were playing darts, with Amy teasing Rory about her winning. He frowned, looking back to the scanner. Sighing, he switched it to another reading the TARDIS had saved for him. He could not help but smile brightly while staring to the image on the screen That same joy as when he first saw it course through him once again.


He gave a startled noise, hands fumbling with the scanner to turn it off. He pushed it away and turned the music off quickly, spinning around to see young Wanda staring at him.

"W-wanda, what are you doing here?" he asked in a squeak of sorts. The scanner swung back over, bumping into his head. He glared at the device, turning it around so it was facing the centre time rotor.

"Well, that's a nice greeting. 'What are you doing here?' I mean really," Amy said sarcastically and sternly to the Doctor. She bounced up the stairs, pulling Wanda into a hug. "Hey, Wanda, how are you?" Rory followed behind Amy, smiling and nodding in greeting to the Time Lady.

"I'm fine," Wanda said with a small smile. "How have you and Rory been? It's been a while since I've seen you both."

"We're doing well, though if I keep losing at darts I don't think I'll ever be able to live it down," said Rory. Amy let go of Wanda, giving her husband a grin.

"Never," she agreed. She hopped down back to the darts. "Come on, stupid. You're at forty-six."

"I still say it's double top," Rory complained, going back with her.

"Wrong side of the wire, mister," Amy teased him. Wanda smiled fondly to them as they continued their game. She turned her attention back to the Doctor who still stood there in shock by her sudden appearance behind him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you so badly," she said quietly. He shook his head, smiling to her.

"No, just . . . didn't except to see this you," he said, giving her a brief hug before turning back to the console.

"I hope that isn't a bad thing, this me being here," Wanda spoke softly. He turned to her, throwing his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to him. He smiled affectionately.

"Never," he said gently into her ear.

She gave a small smile, shifting slightly in his grasp. She glanced to the backwards scanner. "So, what've you been looking at?"

He turned the scanner towards himself, making sure Wanda did not see it before pushing it back in front of them both. They watched the scan jump around between positive and negative. Both glanced briefly over to Amy as she cheered in hitting the dart dead centre.

Wanda looked back at the Doctor. "Don't worry; everything is going to turn out fine." He hummed, looking back to the scanner, staring distantly at it. She patted his arm gently. "Amy's going to be fine."

He lowered his voice, whispering into her ear. "That's not really Amy, though. You and I both know that" He paused, thinking. "Do you know where she is?"

Wanda shook her head, knowing she could not share that information with him. Not yet, anyway. "Spoilers. Though, sneak peek: we're going to have to find the signal first."

He nodded, turning the scanner back off.

"Who wants fish and chips?" he called out to Rory and Amy. Rory turned around, raising his hand slightly. The Doctor smiled to them, though with an anxious expression making its way across his face. "I'll drop you both off. Take your time. Don't rush." He moved away from Wanda, going to set the TARDIS up for travel. Rory and Amy both looked to each other confusedly both staring back at the Doctor.

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