Chapter 12: Her Majesty Queen Victoria

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Wanda began to study that same night. She felt she could not sleep, and so she went to the library. Nine had been right about many things that day. No knowledge on technology was one of them. She needed to know of these things, especially when travelling with the Doctor. She needed to know more on working with her sonic, on locks, on hardwiring, on electrical circuits, and on anything else she felt she must know. She could no longer just let the Doctor handle these sorts of things on his own. If there came a time when he was not around, she needed to know so that she may keep the Doctor's companions safe. There may come another time where a companion would be trapped in a dangerous room, and if she did not know how to rescue them, they would most surely perish. She would never let that happen. She could not rely on the Doctor do to everything.

So, she gathered up as many books as she could find. All basic knowledge and understandings on technology. She then promptly sat down on the closest chair and began to study. If she taught herself how to read and play music, then she could teach herself this. At first she found it somewhat difficult through the terms the books used. But grabbing a nearby dictionary, she merely searched the words' meanings and continued on studying. She grabbed different diagrams and charts on how electrical appliances of all kinds were put together. She studied all the different parts and pieces. The ends and outs of hardware. Every single detail she could find on a sonic screwdriver, she studied it.

Her eyes grew tired over the hours, but she kept at it. Determined to learn as much as she could, as quick as she could. She sat down the last book, rubbing her tired eyes. She fought the urge of sleep while she stood up to find another book to study. As she reached for another book, the warmth and light started up. She groaned in frustration, not wishing to leave just yet. She still needed to learn more. But then, she tensed realizing she would be transported away to another time. To another Doctor. Which Doctor would it be though? Eleven? Ten? Or would it be Nine again?

She shivered in dread as she vanished, reappearing in an open field of brown grass and a dirt road lying in front of her. She looked down one way, seeing nothing but a long ways of dirt road, and the other . . . She blinked when she saw an entourage of men dressed in uniform riding on horses, with a rather large carriage centred in the middle of the group, coming down the way. She back up off the road, keeping her head down, not wishing to draw attention to herself. But judging by the clothes, and from what she felt in the air, this was the Victorian era. She own outfit might draw unwanted attention. Sure, she was covered completely, no unwanted skin showing, but it might be too fitted for the people of this era.

The men stopped when they reached her, drawing their weapons at her. She stood stiffly, frightened but kept her face blank not wishing for them to see.

"You will identify yourself and explain your presence," the head guard, Captain Reynolds, ordered her. His Scottish accent laid heavily in his speech. She glanced to the carriage and back, knowing instantly where exactly she was.

"Pardon my presence, sir. I was merely travelling with my escort, Dr. James McCrimmon, when we had become . . . separated," she explained politely to them. "I am now heading to the Torchwood Estate in hopes for a place to stay, then to be on my way. I apologize for any trouble my presence has given you and for the inconvenience of your travels." She curtsied to them in respect, hoping this would be enough for them to let her pass.

"Let her approach," came a woman's voice from inside the carriage. The Captain glanced from the carriage to Wanda in an unsure manner, but nodded for Wanda to do so. She walked up slowly to the carriage. The door was opened to reveal an elder Queen Victoria, wearing her black gowns of mourning. Wanda curtsied in respect to her as well, keeping her head bowed politely. "Such respect. Most young girls today hardly know the proper curtsy anymore."

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