Chapter 9: Finch's Greed

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Wanda slowly made her way over to the others, holding herself around the middle tightly. She felt so confused with everything that has been happening around the timeline. Everything seemed so wrong. Had this been her doing? Or was Eleven right and what she had seen on the telly had been nothing more than an alternate timeline? But . . . then why did everything else seem to be exactly the same?

The Doctor came over to her, speaking softly to her, "Are you all right?" She nodded, trying not to look him in the eye. "What were you and Rose talking about?"

She finally looked at him, studying his gaze. Trying to see what she was missing and what was now wrong with him. Nothing. She could not find any difference from what she had seen on the show. He still held that same expression on his face when he was around Rose. When he would stare at her, talk to her. Why would Rose believe there was no love between them? Maybe Rose was just in denial more than what Wanda had seen on the show.

"Nothing. We were just discussing . . . the curse you must live through, being a Time Lord," she finally said. The Doctor opened his mouth to respond when suddenly a loud screeching filled the air. They both looked up to see one of the Krillitanes flying through the air towards them. Its hands outstretched to attack. Wanda felt the Doctor's hands grabbing her and pushing her close to the ground. Covering her with his own body just as the Krillitane swooped over them.

They both stood back up as the Krillitane flew off into the night air. Wanda glanced down to the Doctor's hands were still holding onto her tightly. Seeing what he was doing, he quickly let go awkwardly. A small red tint appearing on his face as he rubbed a hand through his hair.

"Sorry. Overreacted there," he muttered.

"Was that a Krillitane?" Sarah Jane asked in a rush as the others came up beside the Doctor and Wanda.

"It didn't even touch either of you. It just flew off. What did it do that for?" Rose asked the Doctor quickly. The Doctor remained silent as they watched the Krillitane continue to fly off into the night air.


The next day at school, they all arrived together ready to go into action. The Doctor gave them each specific commands to do. Mickey was to be surveillance on the outside, to keep watch for trouble. Sarah Jane, Rose, and Wanda were to crack open the computers in the maths room. The Doctor himself was going to confront Mr. Finch. All keeping their fingers crossed that this day would go well. Wanda only hoped that Finch would listen to the Doctor this time around. Maybe then, the Krillitanes would not have to die and the children no longer placed into harm's way. Walking inside along with Rose and Sarah Jane, Wanda paused within the hall. Glancing over her shoulder, she felt as though she should follow the Doctor instead. Just . . . something telling her she was needed there for the Time Lord. She knew she should stick with what the Doctor wanted her to do, but . . .

"Here. Sarah Jane, Rose, take this and go the maths department," she told them while handing them her sonic. "Go ahead with working on the computers. I'll be back in a bit." She quickly turned and started back down the hall.

"Where are you going?" Rose called out to her. Wanda turned quick to them, continuing walk backwards.

"I have to go check on something. Don't worry, I'll be right back," she called back before turning back around to continue marching on.

Wanda pushed past all the students, weaving her way through the masses while trying to find the pool area. The halls eventually cleared, leaving her alone within them. This gave her an easier time in her search for her destination. Eventually, she found the pool. She really had no idea why she felt she must go to here. Just . . . a strong feeling. But maybe this was a good thing being here. She knew how the Doctor saw himself as less merciful as before. A changed man from what had happened from the Time War. She wanted to him to see otherwise. Yes, she knew he was changed and less merciful, but she wanted him to see that it did not make him a horrible man for it. He could have turned into something much worse from the things he had gone through. So much worse.

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