Chapter 30: The Artist's Creations

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The Doctor and Amy walked around Musée d'Orsay, the art museum of Paris. Enjoying the beautiful paints and art work, the Doctor strolled around to a particular exhibit for Amy. The Vincent Van Gogh exhibit. One of Amy's favorite painters as Wanda had told him.

"Thanks for bringing me," Amy said cheerfully, giving him a small slap in the front in thanks.

"You're welcome," the Doctor replied lightly, not really paying attention to neither the girl nor the exhibit.

"You and Wanda have been so nice to me," Amy remarked. She then paused, frowning in thought. "Why are you two being so nice to me? I mean, I can see Wanda being nice. But you?"

"I'm always nice to you," the Doctor retorted, frowning at the girl.

"Not like this. These places the both of you are taking me . . .Arcadia, the Trojan Gardens, now this. I think it's suspicious."

"What? It's not. There's nothing to be suspicious about." The Doctor stared around, not really looking in Amy's eyes.

She raised a brow at him, finding it highly unlikely now with the way he was acting. She had stated similar suspicions to Wanda, but the Time Lady would dismiss it as well. Both Time Lords were hiding something from her and she was determined to figure it out.

She walked around some more with the Doctor. She watched as he stared off to some paintings, not really looking at anything in particular. His eyes dazed off distantly, the same down demeanour she had seen before. He always did get this way whenever Wanda was not around. He simply withdrew from things around him until the Time Lady would arrive again. Bouncing around and becoming his cheerful self once more as soon as his Wanderer appeared back into his life.

Amy could not believe at one point she had been foolish enough to think she could get in between them. Boy, had she been wrong. She shivered slightly in remembering how Wanda had retaliated with the kiss she had given the Doctor. Amy shivered once more. Never again.

She walked up quietly to the Doctor, seeing how he remained still and continued to stare off to nothing.

"How long do you think until Wanda shows up again?" Amy asked him. He hummed some, thinking.

"It depends really," he mumbled. "Sometimes it could be days. Sometimes only a few hours apart. While others times she shows up only seconds later."

"Well, she's only been gone an hour now. Maybe she'll turn up soon," Amy said brightly, trying to cheer him up. It was no fun going around exploring if he was going to be moody all the time. She hoped the Time Lady would appear again quickly. Not only for his sake, but for hers as well.

She stared around and found the one painting she had been looking forward to the most. "Look!" She grabbed the Doctor and dragged him over to the famous painting of The Church at Auvers. "There it is, the actual one."

"Yes. You can almost feel his hand painting it right in front of you," the Doctor remarked, finding the painting delightful to see it in person. "Craving the colours into shapes . . ." He trailed off slowly as he spotted something in wrong with the painting. A small something hidden within. "Wait a minute."

"What?" questioned Amy.

"Well, just look at that," he said, pointing to a spot on the painting. She stared closer at it. Still not seeing what he was pointing to.

"What?" she asked curiously.

"Something very not good indeed." He rubbed at his head quickly in confusion, feeling worried by what he was seeing.

"What thing very not good?"

"Look there, in the window of the church." He pointed to it. They both gazed closer to see a menacing face painted behind the church window. Much of the face was disfigured and hard to tell that it was a face at all.

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