Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

"I've been dreaming to eat a lot of meats until my belly can't take it anymore!" Taiju said. Tsukasa just nods his head at their words. He assures us that we didn't have to worry anymore because he will be the one handling all the hunting. He turns around and runs off, to hunt for some prey. What a sudden turn of event. We were hoping to revive Yuzuriha, but we ended up reviving him instead.

-Night Talk-


I sit next to Senku as we eat the fish Tsukasa have caught. They tastes so good. It's been a while since we've had a proper diet. It's only based on plants and mushrooms.

"Okay. Now it's time for our fun pop up quiz" Senku said, breaking the silence. The three of us turns to look at him. "Sure" I said, nodding my head. While Taiju looks nervous.

"What's the most important that human needs?" He said. I place my chin on the palm of my hand. I turn my head to look at Taiju to see him concentrating. I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh at the face he's making.

"Smartphone!" Taiju said, while pointing his finger at Senku. "Ah, smartphone is nice to have, huh? I'd like to have a smartphone too!" Senku said. I can hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"We're not jumping 10.000 years into the future, you big oaf!" He said, annoyed. I shake my head, letting out a giggle. "Take it easy on him, Senku. At least he tried" I said. He let out a sigh and calms down.

"Iron?" Tsukasa said. Senku turns his head to look at him. "Iron too... but not now. There's one that is very important. Calcium carbonate" he said. Taiju looks very confused at what he said.

"Ah, you mean lime?" Tsukasa said. Senku let out a short chuckle. "Yeah... to make it easier. The one they used to mark the field" he said. Taiju perks up at what he said.

"In other word, we're going to the gym to get this calcium... something!" He said. Senku looks irked but he still put on a smile. "Yeah yeah, a gym, huh? If only there's any after 3,700 years!!!" He yelled out in the end. I just let out a nervous chuckle.

Senku gets up and grabs a clam. He told Taiju that we could just crush it into dust to get the calcium carbonate we need. Taiju instantly gets up and heads off to gather as many clams as we need.

I jump when there's a loud sound. I turn my head to see Tsukasa have broke a stone. There's a petrified woman underneath.

"Sorry for startling you. This person was buried under the rock" he said. He picks up the petrified woman, placing the woman by the rock. I just smile softly at his kind gesture.


Using the calcium carbonate we have made, we use it to make mortar. Which is the basic form of concrete. After that, agriculture. Calcium carbonate is useful to improve the quality of the soil. Lastly, we make a whole block of soap.

"You're an amazing man, Senku. Even during such a life threatening situation, you still manage to handle things calmly... if there's anyone who can the restore modernity. It's gotta be you..." Tsukasa said. Senku turn his head to look at him.

"A man who phrases another man in front of their face is either flirting or full of ulterior motives. It's been like that for billion of years. So what's your point?" He said. I frown at what he said. Did he suspect Tsukasa? I want to say something about it, but I don't want him to take it the wrong way. So I just stay silent.

"I don't mean it that way... I'm just saying what's on my mind. Yes. That's all" he said. I can feel the thick tension between the two. It's so thick that we might be able to cut it with knife.

Taiju walks towards us, dropping a basket filled with shells. I let out a sigh of relief, because his arrival has eased the situation. Taiju dust his hands together to get rid of the dirt.

"So, Senku, what's the fourth use of shells?" He asked. Senku turns to look at him. He stares at him for a few seconds. He smiles and holds up three fingers.

"No, three. Didn't I say three?" He asked. I just stay silent. He said four earlier. But he must have had a good reason why he lied about it. So I'll just trust his guts.


It's now night time. But I couldn't sleep, so I just sit by the fire. I hug my knees as an attempt to keep my body warm. It's kind of chilly tonight. But not too much.

"You can't sleep?" Someone said. I jump at the voice and turn my head to see Tsukasa. He let out a soft chuckle at my reaction. "You startled me..." I said. He walks towards me and take a seat next to me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" he said. I just smile at him and turn my head to look at the dancing flame front of me. Silence engulfs the two of us. The only sound being present is the sound of cracking fire, and the calming wind.

"So, he's the Senku you've been talking about..." he said, breaking the silence. I turn my head to look at him. I'm kind of surprised that's the first thing he'd ask.

"Oh, yeah. He's Senku, my boyfriend" I said. He hum softly and nod his head. "He's a bit cold towards you, huh?" He said. I bit my lips at his comment and nod my head.

"Every once in a while... but what can I say? I love him" I said. I turn to look at Tsukasa to see him just staring at me. I tilt my head slightly at the stare he's giving me. "Is there something wrong?" I asked. He shakes his head and looks away from me.

"Welp... I'm starting to get sleepy. So, good night, Tsukasa..." I said. He just nods his head. I smile softly at him. I stand up and make my way towards the tree house, climbing up the ladder of the tree house.

It's kind of weird for me to sleep there, because I'm the only girl. There's three boys around me. But I don't really have much of a choice. I can't let them sleep outside just because I'm a girl.

I place myself to Taiju, giving an empty space next to me for Senku. I stare at the ceiling for a while. My mind went back to the way Tsukasa stares at me earlier. I don't know... the way he stares at me... he looks irritated. But... why?

I yawn softly as my eyes starts to grow heavy. I turn to lay on my side, noticing Tsukasa who just enter the tree house. He place himself across the room. He turns to look at me. I offer him a soft smile and close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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