3. Not a True Targaryen

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Year 104 AC *4 years later*

12 year old Aelana wakes up in cold sweat, her clothes drenched and her hairs a total mess. it took her a moment to control her breaths and calm herself.

looking at her right she saw Rhaenyra passed out in sleep. last year at the age of seven, for the very first time, Rhaenyra had climbed and claimed Syrax, her dragon. and since then she had been constantly riding it, to master her skills.

Without fail, Aelana would join her in the practise. she would sit and watch the way Syrax would take Rhaenyra beyond everyone reach, into the deep skies.

her mind came out of those thoughts and focused on her recent dreams. It was never like that, she never had any dreams like those before.

They started when last year King Jaehaerys I passed away. No one knew that he had died in his sleep and 11 year old Aelana simply wanted to start her day by wishing her grandfather good health.

To surprise her grandfather/king, she had walked into his room with a red roses she picked that very morning from her grandmother and king's late wife Queen Alysanne favourite garden. It was something they use to remember the good queen.

Aelana had walked into the room super quietly and placed the roses on King's bed side table.

She didnt knew what she was getting herself into until when she slowly touch her grandfather king jaehaerys's hand.

It was like something inside her was awaken. She could see so much of it.

she saw when jaehaerys first mount Vermithor, when he was crowned as a king or when he first kissed Alysanne.

she could even see his emotions, the twinkle in his eyes every time Queen Alysanne would laugh, The proud look in his eyes when her granddaughter Rhaenys and Aemma stood for him, The humor when he saw daemon and viserys arguing, the sadness at the death of his sons but what stuck most was the wonder when he took little Aelana in his arms.

She could see so much of those memories and feel them course through her body, to the point it pained her. Aelana let out a gut wrenching scream and had passed out beside the king's dead body.

she remember nothing that happen later, only that some say she killed the king.

But now, 12 year Aelana knew that touching death had awaken something alive inside her.

Ignoring the feeling of dread inside her body, Aelana got up and walked towards little Rhaenyra. she smiled at the little girl and slowly pet her hairs.

It was too early in the morning, so putting on her little cloak and shoes, Aelana decided to take a walk. she was walking in the corridors when the loud snarling sound reach her ears.

Looking at the sky she knew who it belonged to, Caraxes, dragon of Prince Daemon. She was a bit confuse as to what Daemon were doing here in Westeros. seeing as he was married and suppose to be in vale.

But lets be real Daemon was everywhere but in vale. Even Aelana know how much he hated his wife. She still remember when on his wedding day, prince daemon had gotten drunk and decided not to show up on his own wedding.

and when he did he was dressed in not his wedding dress. also how on his wedding night when all maesters decided to view the intercourse because everyone knew that he wouldn't even touch his wife; he was nowhere to be found.

And then when it was time to go to vale with his wife, and as expected seeing he is a Targaryen. He was to ride to vale on dragon with Rhea Arryn.

But that day Everyone witnessed how Caraxes was angry and denied for Rhea to ride him.

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