14. Night out

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After her interaction with daemon, Aelana wanted to practise with her sword but Ser Harwin was busy and no one else want to be seen training a woman.

So she had spend the rest of her remaining day in the library. Laying down on one of the bench, hiding away from everyone. No one reached her whole day except Valeri, her personal maid; who only came to make sure her High Lady was okay but when Aelana give her a day off and told her to not bother her again. Valeri bow her head respectfully and walked away.

She only got out of her cocoon when her stomach rumbled. she had miss supper and now It was late and she was sure that dinner was over.

Aelana knew that the servants would be happy to serve her and the night staff wouldn't mind her.

But she also knew that they would be busy preparing to close kitchens for night and she didnt wanted to disturb them.

Rising up from her position, Aelana clutched the book under her arms. The book with the history of Old Valyria and walked toward the exit. The librarians who was an elderly man take a look at Aelana passing by him, squinting his eyes with humor he shook his head at Aelana.

She only smiled guilty.

He had told her that even though he was librarian, Aelana spend more time in library than him. She rushed out of the library and towards the kitchen.

The kitchens were in a chaos and maids were actively busy to take care of the dishes. One servants saw her and bow down but before she could make her presence known Aelana shook her hand and smiled.

The little girl understood her and smiled back "How may I help you High Lady?"

"Just get me a some rabbit stew and bread with wine" The young servant girl smiled happily and nodded her head. She rushed away to get Aelana food while Aelana stood there watching all the servants.

Many were nervous in her presence and many were happy to see her.

she saw new faces too and smiled at them; they were hesitant at first but seeing how she looked calm and unharmful they bow their head in response and got back to their work.

Aelana heard a giggle from behind her and whipped her head so fast she almost got nauseous. But she smirked when she saw the sight before her.

Stumbling into the room was Layla The head of kitchen servants and slightly drunk Valeri who was Aelana personal maid.

At her sight Layla stopped in her track and Valeri who looked a little drunk was standing there arm in arm with Layla. Aelana looked at each of them and then their hands then back at them, a curious and known glint in her eyes.

Layla face went green and took her hand out of Valeri grip but still hold her arm tightly, making the later person stand straight and bow her head "High Lady. Good to see you. Are you here for dinner. You should have ask someone to bring it on your room. How long have yo been waiting. I apologize for the wait and..."

Smiling Aelana raised her hand toward Layla and said a little loudly "Layla BREATH" then take a look at Valeri.

Layla immediately stop talking a took in a big breath. Before she could continue, Aelana said "Don't worry. They are bringing my dinner in few minutes"

As she said this the young girl showed up with rabbit stew and bread and some cheese and wine and said in a little mouse voice "My Lady oh I mean High Lady do you want me to bring your food to your room"

Aelana smiled at the little girl. She knew that she didnt mean her disrespect but the girl had a glint in her eyes. Like she was excited to take food to Aelana room. Aelana shook her head at her "Its okay child i shall eat here"

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