39. Good days are odd

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There was a certain stillness in the air, it smell sweet, like a nectar, warm honey and nourishing sun. The rays hit Aelana body, the air from the window which overlooked the ocean was opened and the sheer white curtains on them were flowing, letting in the cold air nipping at the naked bodies.

Aelana always closed her window but daemon had a knock for keeping them open or else he felt too hot through the night. the wind raised the goosebumps all along the aelana body, from her arms down to her legs.

Feeling annoyed but too tired to open her eyes, Aelana lift her hand and tried to pull the quilt on her body. BUt her eyes squinted when she found nothing on her body, with her eyes still closed she pat down the area to found the quilt to cover her body but found nothing.

After few tries she finally opened her one eye and blink at the sun, Aelana look down to found her naked body getting soaked under sun and shudder in the cold wind. Groaning she turn her head and found daemon next to her.

He was sleeping on his stomach, his face stuffed in pillow and the quilt was wrapped around his whole body, even his face was inside the quilt, she wondered how he was breathing under there, wasn't he feeling suffocated.

But she ignored those thought and turning her body she faced him and with one hand she tried to get the blanket which was stuffed under his body. She pulled it will all her force but the blanket was stuck under daemon stomach, wrapped securely around his legs tightly.

Aelana tried once more and she saw daemon grumbled under the blanket, huffing she removed the blanket from his face and glared at his sleeping face. "Daemon let go off the blanket" she sneered lowly but daemon only grumbled, muttering unintelligent words.

He only turned his head and face aelana, his eyes still closed and his legs still wrapped with blanket and he was still laying on his stomach.

Aelana wasn't a morning person and the fact that her sleep was getting wasted because of that jerk, before she could do any critical thinking, her hand moved on her own and before she could stop herself, Aelana slapped daemon Targaryen straight on his face.

At the sudden contact, the room filled with a voice of flesh hitting flesh but not in a very sexual but horrifying way, and daemon Targaryen who was mumbling and babbling in his sleep, opened his eyes staring straight into the eyes of Aelana, a bit shock and confused.

"What was that for?" Daemon didnt yell, he was simply confused, I mean Aelana do pull some weird things so her slapping him while he was sleeping wasn't a shock. He wasn't disappointed not even surprised, just confused.

HIs eyebrows squinted and he stare at the woman for a second, then he take out his hand from under the blanket and turn his body sideways and completely faced aelana. She didnt said anything, only kept staring at him without blinking.

Daemon eyes turned downward, his eyes looking over her naked body and for a moment he felt blood rushed through his body but then the curtain on the open window raised and the wind entered the room and he saw aelana shuddered a little.

It was still to early and the sun was only on the horizon, he knew that aelana herself was not a morning person and after the last night certain activities he also felt the need to sleep a little more. So he only moved his body forward and raising the blanket he put it over Aelana body.

"Stop staring at me like that" daemon whispered, his voice too low and shaky as if It was filled with fear. It definitely was filled with fear, daemon Targaryen, the man who rode caraxes, the man who every night prayed for a dragon rider death, who wished that upon his death his body be turned into ashes by the dragon flames, who feared feared nothing, not even the wrath of Valyrian gods, that man surely fear the anger of the woman of was currently laying beside him.

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