31. Disbelief

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Aelana was sitting on the cold floor, still dressed in the same clothes, feeling nothing but the heat coming from rowan's body. His big arms spread around her waist keep her sane, moving her head which was resting on his chest, she get into a more comfortable.

"Are you getting tired rowan?"

It was a general question, I mean dealing with her was tiring and came with many problems. what if one day rowan get tired of it, the question scared her. but as a reply rowan only tighten his hold around her and kissed her hairs.

"come on lets get you clean" he whispered and before aelana could anything else, he stood up, with his arms around her and got her to stand on her feet. They have been sitting on the cold floor for the past many hours, so many that the fresh candles on the mantle were almost burn out.

Rowan helped Aelana to the bed and made her sit at the edge, she sat down, her face stiff and eyes emotionless. Hating herself for crying for another man when her husband was right in front of her.

Daemon was not a betrayer, she was, to rowan, for she could never love him with her soul, not wholly. She blinked and saw rowan walking toward her with a small bucket and a dress. He set down a bucket on the floor and put the fresh white dress on the chair.

Turning around rowan faced her and bending down, he put his hand back at where all the dress straps were and tugged onto them, opening the knots one by one. Once all the knots at the back of the dress were done, he stood straight and smiled at aelana.

Putting his hand on her face, he rubbed off her tears. "come on hands up"

Without any hesitation Aelana put her hands up and bending down rowan lift her dress and pull it over her head, swiftly and easily. He saw a shiver run down through aelana body and decided to work faster.

He knew she was in no state to take a bath, or clean herself so he decided to be her servant, for he was always ready to serve her. Aelana sat on the bed, naked and waiting for rowan to be done.

Rowan pick up the sponge from the bucket which had warm water in it, squeezing the rest of dripping water, he put the sponge on Aelana neck and saw her sighed and close her eyes at the contact.

At that moment, aelana was naked in front of him, but he wanted nothing except just to get done with it so she could just get in bed and sleep off. Rowan dragged the wet sponge from her neck to down her collar bone, cleaning all the sand and dirt on her body.

The sponge was prickling with sand so her put it in water, clean it again, squeeze the excess water and then start cleaning Aelana again, this time running the sponge down her breasts and her stomach. But not even once he felt lustful. For now he only care about aelana and her comfort.

Once done with the front, he rubbed the wet sponge on her back. Her legs were surprisingly clean so he didnt bother her for that. throwing the wet sponge away, rowan picked up the towel and dry aelana off who was sitting on the bed idle.

Throwing away the towel, he picked up the white dress and once again ask aelana to put her hands up, she did as asked and he put down the simple, opaque white dress on her. Once her body was clean, rowan pick up a clean towel and rubbed away all the blood on her face.

She looked clean for now, picking up all the towels and bucket, he walked away and put them aside. Aelana saw him return with the comb he use on viserra hair, reaching her. he direct her to turn around and as she turn around, Rowan gently combed her hairs, and them put them into a single braid.

once done and now aelana look like a human, he stepped back and smiled at her "Now you look like the Aelana I married to" Surprised at his words, Aelana turned around and faced him. moving forward, she gripped onto his hands tightly, too tightly, too needy. It doesn't suit her.

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