24. Picnic

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9 months later

If Aelana would have knew that having sex and being irresponsible meant that your vagina would be ripped apart, tryin to push a watermelon size living thing from a little hole. She would have cut of every penis that came in her 5 mile radius.

She had tried every position and was now crouched in a squatting position, rhaenyra holding back her hair while the nurses hold her arms to keep her stable and saying positive words to her. "Push high lady one last time, push"

"Tell me to push one more time and I will push you off balcony" Aelana gritted her teeth and let out another scream "AAARGGGGGHHHH"

"Yes yes thats it" the nurses said, her half hand was shoved inside Aelana vagina but she didnt care, she only cared about getting this baby out of her. "yes we are almost done" rhaenyra whispered words of encouragement into Aelana ear and as instructed Aelana pushed one last time, feeling as if she just took a biggest dump of her life.

"Did I just shit myself" horrified she asked the nurse who shook her head and take away the towel which was below her, wrapping it and immediately taking it out of Aelana sight.

while the other nurse held onto Aelana legs and open them a bit more, she said happily "yes I can see the head. one last push high lady" Aelana took a huge breath and pushed while squeezed rhaenyra hand so hard, she was sure that she broke a bone or two.

"YES YES OH LORD" The nurse hold onto the baby as it slid out of Aelana and immediately started wrapping it into clothes, Aelana threw her head back at rhaenyra chest who kissed her auntie head and smiled.

"Congratulations its a girl" the nurse said, while wrapping the baby into cloth to hand to Aelana.

Aelana was taking a breath of relief, her arms out to hold her girl when she felt another contraction and bend forward, "AELANA!" Worried rhaenyra look at nurse who only nodded her head at them, its just after birth princess nothing to worry about.

Aelana nodded, her hand on her stomach but then she felt a contraction again and let out another scream, confused the nurses look at each other, while one hold the baby, other went to check on her Aelana.

"TO THE OLD GODS OF VALYRIA, ITS ANOTHER HEAD" the nurse exclaimed, Aelana eyes bulged out of her head and she screamed again while pushing.

Unlike the last time it didnt took her very long, and surprisingly her second baby came out with its feet stuck inside placenta. which meant no more pushing out large things from a small hole.

Now on the verge of passing out Aelana dropped her head and rhaenyra chuckled at her. "Its a boy high lady" the nurses said.

Upon hearing their voices, Aelana moved her head and look at them. They were looking down at the babies and Aelana couldn't read their faces. "give them to me" She said and the nurses hesitantly moved toward her and hand her the babies one by one.

Aelana knew the truth but when it was in front of her, mocking her, it felt much real. The white Targaryen hair on the top of her babies head were mocking her. She gasped when they both opened her eyes and stared at their mother with little violet eyes.

She couldn't help but see him, in them.

Rhaenyra also saw it but she didnt questioned it for now. "Do you have any names in mind?" Aelana looked up at her niece, tears in her eyes and then back at her babies.

she looked at the girl, her first born. Her nose look exact same as his, same white hair and same eyes. "Viserra Targaryen, she shall be called Viserra Targaryen." Then she looked at her boy. his little ears, and his mouth shape was same as his father.

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