25. Mom?

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Its been years, years since the heart break and yet still Aelana felt as if the cavity between her chest was empty. She was laid down on her bed alone, Covering her naked body with the warm white sheets and looking out of the window, watching the sun rise on the horizon.

Today Rowan had decided to wake up the children. Aelana had first hand witness what happen when children don't get real love, example of Aemond, aegon and helaena was in front of her. She always tired to make her niece and nephew not feel left out, seeing how she had her own kids.

She wanted them to be raised by love and warm hugs, not whatever Alicent teach them. 

Everyday Rowan woke up early and came home late, seeing as he was always on duty, for kings landing was a wretched place.

He would come back almost when its the bed time. Aenya and Baelyx would always fell asleep waiting for him, however Viserra was stubborn and wouldn't go to sleep until her father kiss her good night.

Rowan was a perfect husband and good father. He would comb Viserra, Baelyx and Aenya hairs, even though the white color of the twin hair would mock him. He would still kiss them and braid them with love, the same as he did with Aenya.

Aelana birthed those children but rowan help raised them, and they the twins may look like their sperm donor yet they looked act their father, Rowan.

Aelana couldn't help but see the similarities between Viserra and her sperm donor. She was like a hurricane, wild and chaotic. she loved speaking up and she never hesitates to use her voice for good. she was a protector and a fighter. she was as wild as her dragon Valae.

Valae was a dark obsidian color male dragon, he was so dark that he almost merched with the darkness. Only thing not dark about him was his white eyes, big white pearly eyes.

it was almost scary how lethal he look. Viserra and Valae believes in fire and blood, after all valae was offspring of Vermithor and silverwing, who were practically dragon royals.

Baelyx Targaryen was more strategic, he thinks first unlike his sister who believes in action, Baelyx believes in power of words. He was more calm and only speak when needed. Baelyx was a shadow of his dragon Varos. The twin sister of Valae. Unlike her brother, Varos was peaceful.

They were so young but Aelana could see them, their souls, their true form. Valae and Varos looked exactly like each other.

Dark obsidian, their body shimmer a dark deep purple under sun and when they flew at some specific angles. Yet it was surprsing how the twins could differentiate by their breath.

As for Aenya, she didnt had Targaryen blood but Targaryen soul. Aenya was mini Aelana. And that was explain enough about her, unfortunately unlike her siblings, Aenya's dragon egg was never hatched. But Aenya was a believer. she believes in good thing and their timing.

Viserra and Baelyx were 9 years old and had been practising riding their dragons since the age of 6. and Aelana made sure that they never made her little sister feel as if she was unworthy of a dragon.

Aelana was laying in her bed peacefully when all of the sudden the door to her room was slammed open and entered her husband and three children. Aelana eyes widened, looking around she found nothing but rowan night shirt and reaching to it quickly, she put it on.

"MOMMMM" Viserra yelled and rushed toward Aelana, holding Aenya hand and dragging her while Baelyx calmly walked in.  Aelana gasped, bracing for Viserra attack.

Aelana opened her arms and hugged all of them, kissing them each on their heads, she look down at their clothes and neat hairs. she raised her eyes and Baelyx smiled "Father did our hairs, I love the braids"

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