45. For the first time, in a very long time

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Lifting up her dress, Aelana made her way to her old room. Last time she was here, her children were all babies and shared the same nursery, and they got their own rooms in Dragonstone Castle. Here they had no room, so they were staying in Aelana's old room.

The room she shared with Rhaenyra from the age of 4 until the princess was 12. Reaching her old room, Aelana looked at the gate, and all the memories crashed in. Smiling, she opened her bedroom door, hoping to find Maerys inside.

She was surprised to see Maerys laying on the bed, his tall legs falling over the bed, and Raegar on his chest, both of them cuddled in deep sleep. Maerys had one arm wrapped around Raegar and the other under his own head for protection.

Aelana let out a sigh of relief, satisfied that Maerys was here and not away creating trouble. She smiled at her son and covered them with a sheet. With slow and steady steps, Aelana walked out and closed the door behind her.

Turning around, she almost screamed when she saw Ser Harrold Westerling standing there; he might have realised that too, for he took a step back and bowed his head to her in a show of respect and apology. "Sorry, High Lady, I didn't mean to scare you."

Ser Harrold kept his head down but gasped when he felt Aelana's arms wrap tightly around his shoulder; he was shocked and muttered incoherent words for a second, but when Aelana held on to him, he calmed down.

After a while, Ser Harrold let go of his duty and patted Aelana's back lovingly. Smiling Aelana stepped back, and her face was lit up with a huge smile. "I can't believe I would be saying this, but I am truly happy to see you, Ser Harrold."

Ser Harrold smiled at her, and seeing how open she was to him, he chuckled, "I am surprised you say that High Lady." Ser Harrold raised his own hand and placed it on Aelana's hand.What he didn't expect was what happened later.

Aelana gasped and took a huge whiff of breath, her eyes glazing over and going distant as if she were inhuman, but she was having a vision. Tightening her hold onto Ser Harrold's hand to the point where it felt like his bones were crunching against each other, Aelana spoke in an almost robotic voice.

"seashells and winds of winter"

the healer and the young wolf 

"The wedding and the funeral"

After saying those words, Aelana fell silent and blinked her eyes; when she saw Ser Harold's horrified expression, she tilted her head at him confusedly."Is everything alright, Ser?" Ser Harrold only nodded plainly at her question.

Confused at his action and unaware of her prophetic vision, Aelana smiled at him uncomfortably and murmured to him gently, "I shall get going, Ser Harrold; I have children to tend."

"It was nice seeing you High lady, hope to see your presence more," Ser Harrold said with a nod.

She only nodded before turning away and exiting the room. She knew Daemon and Rhaenyra were still with Queen, so she decided to track them down. Aelana was slowly walking through the halls, her eyes looking over the sky that was in view and her nose crinkling from the rancid King's Landing smell.

The corridors were particularly quiet, and the person on his steps was eerily silent. Aelana was a high lady of the realm and the Princess to house Targaryen by marriage. She knew no one would run into her, so she wasn't really looking in front of her as she walked, because she was used to people making room for her.

She was lost in her thoughts when all of a sudden a body crashed into her. Aelana, who had never been a victim of someone bumping into her, was shocked at the sudden event. She stumbled back on her feet, her eyes widening when she saw the wet spot of wine soaking her dress.

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