29. Funeral

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With viserra and baelyx following her, Aelana walked away past daemon and into the outer balcony, she saw his brother standing there with his family. all of them wearing dark green instead of black.

baelyx immediately rushed away from her and towards helaena who was standing by the wall looking over the ocean. He reached the girl and tap on her shoulder, Aelana saw the small smile on helaena face upon seeing baelyx.

Looking away from them, Aelana walked toward her brother, and nephews. Ignoring the Queen and cole, aelana walked towards her brother and as he saw her approaching, he smiled at her.

Viserys looked more deteriorating, as if in the past two days he has somehow gotten worst. his head had few strands of hairs only, holding onto for dear life, his face was swollen and look moldy, his teeth chipped, yet the love in his eye for Aelana was same.

She reached him and moving forward, kiss him on his cheek. "Good to see you brother", Viserys smiled at him and taking her hand in his grip, he lift them up and kissed aelana knuckles. "you too Aelana".

Viserys let go off her hands and aelana turned to look at aegon, who looking bored, standing next to the queen. However viserra, hugged her uncle, whom she missed terribly and viserys pat her hairs gently.

Aelana only look at the queen and didnt even nod at her, instead she moved toward his nephew and smiled when aegon without any hesitation wrapped his arm around her, bringing her into the hug.

She hugged him back and gently pat his back, she could hear the sigh of relief that he exhaled. Moving back from him, she lightly smack his arm and glare at him, whispering lowly "I can smell the alcohol on you, slow down"

She saw aegon eyes widened but she didnt wait for his answer and looked around for Aemond, and when she didnt saw her she look back at aegon, with her brows raised she asked "Where is Aemond?" and all aegon did was shrug.

Before she could open her mouth to say anything, she was interrupted by the voice of Vaemond Velaryon. He announced that the funeral ceremony was about to begin and will take place privately down by the shore.

Aelana listened to him, knowing that the moments were final and here. She nod at her brother, letting him know that they will meet down at the spot. Turning around, she nod at baelyx wo joined her and with both of twins behind her she walked away, to find her husband.

Aelana walked into the dome hall and found Rowan talking to some men with Aenya beside him, She walked to him and upon seeing her the other men bowed his head respectfully and walked away.

Aelana reached her husband and smile at her 6 year ild daughter. She knew funerals can be hard and it was okay if Aenya didnt wanted to be the part of main ceremony.

She look at Aenya and asked her "My dear, Do you want to attend main ceremony or you can go with valeri and eat something?"

They only had small breakfast so it was better if she go and eat something. Also Aenya wasnt a future heir of driftmark and had no blood relation to laena like lucerys so her absence wont be much questioned.

She looked at her daughter and than After thinking for a while Aenya said "i like to go with Valeri mother" Aelana smiled at her daughter and kissed her head.

Standing straight she looka round to find valeri and upon finding her in the corner she nod at her. Valeri immediately walked toward her and joined her.

Aelana nod at her thankfully "Valeri we are going to main ceremony, look after Aenya and get her some food."

Valeri acknowledged her high lady and taking Aenya hand, they both walked away. Aelana watched her and valeri walked away and then she looked at her husband "Come on, we should get going. They are starting the main ceremony"

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