13. Royal Gardens

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After pushing daemon out of her room, Aelana had immediately start getting dressed. Viserys had call for a celebrations in the outer garden for the return of his Young brother.

Aelana wore a simple red color dress which had some black thread embroidery on it. fire breathing dragons threaded into it.

Aelana head was no more bleeding and the maester had tended to it well, it was just a little sore now. she knew no one would mind if she missed the celebrations but she really didnt wanted to stay in her room all day while everyone else get drunk and have fun.

Walking out of her room, Aelana greeted the few people she saw and started walking in the directions of the outer gardens. She was passing through the room of Viserys little babes when she heard the yells of a child.

Not being able to stop herself Aelana burst through the room and saw Aegon was laid down on the floor, playing with his toys while the maid had Little Aemond in her arms, rocking and shushing him.

Little Aemond was full on crying, his face red and eyes closed. With one hand he was holding his own hair and pulling them on so hard that Aelana thought he would ripped them out.

he was only one when she left with Rhaenyra and now he was so grown. He went from being 11 months to 17 months.  his head filled with baby white hairs.

Aelana couldn't not help herself but walk to the maid "Why is he crying?"

"I don't know High Lady"

It was a genuine answer and Aelana shook her head "Where is the mother of little prince?"

the maid just shrugged slowly. Shaking her head Aelana look at little Aemond and her heart tightened. "My Aemond" Aelana bent down a little to be in his view and murmured; Aemond immediately opened his little eyes and looked at Aelana and start crying more hardly, and shove his both hands toward Aelana.

Knowing what he wanted, Aelana put up her arms and took him from the arms of maid into her. "Shush little dragon" Aemond look up at Aelana with tears filled violet colored eyes.

Smiling at him, Aelana bend down a little and kissed him on his head; the point where he was pulling his own hairs. at that picture Aelana smiled a little. He smelt like fresh cotton and baby.

Aemond ceased his crying and started to suck on his thumb; resting his small head on Aelana boobs. Maybe they make a nice soft pillow for him.

Aelana was smiling at him.

the maid knowing that Aelana was suppose to go to the celebrations moved forward and tried to take now peaceful aemond from Aelana arms "Here my lady I can take him and you can enjoy the celebrations"

Aelana hesitate a little, for she didnt wanted to part from him. She was away for months and had hold him for the first time in months.

Aelana may not like Alicent but she loved Viserys and her little nephews.

Still when maid move forward to take him, Aelana moved her arms to give him back.

But Aemond make the most horrified face ever and was preparing to let out a scream. Aelana had saw it and so did the maid.

Retreating him back to her chest, Aelana clutched the little child tightly. "It fine. I will take him with me." the maid nodded in understanding and maybe a little relieved to be away from the  crying child.

Still holding Aemond to her chest, Aelana walk toward Aegon who was on the ground. Crouching down next to him, she bend down, her head on Aemond head to secure it.

she kissed Aegon on his cheek, who was still interested in his toys. Standing up, Aelana look at the maid who bowed her head at her.

With Aemond in her arms, Aelana, walked out of the room and toward the outer gardens. While walking she looked down at calm Aemond.

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