23. Betrayal

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She felt good, her body groaning with pain and bruised but she loved every second of it. Aelana felt tired and happy. groaning she turned around and sighed at the feeling of sore body.

Alana spread her arm and frown when her hand hit the empty spot on the bed. She pat the bed in search of a certain man and opened her eyes when she found it empty. Alana saw the empty space next to her and sat up.

she looked around the room to found daemon but he was nowhere. Aelana head wanted to run off and look for him, to search for him under every stone but her heart told her that its all okay.

Daemon promised her that he would never betray her, that he would never leave her alone. Last night he agreed to everything she said, if she had ask for his heart last night, daemon would have cut open his chest and put it on platter for her.

She saw it in his eyes, they were true and filled with love. So no matter how much Aelana head  begged her to be used and be a little senseful, for the first time her heart won. And she hoped that she won't be disappointed in herself for following her heart rather than her brain.

Aelana got up from her bed and smiled to herself, walking to the window. the sheet falling from he body, letting the cold morning air of kings landing nipping at her naked body, giving her goosebumps.

But it also cool down her body and she liked it. Alana closed her eyes and sighed, trying to reach out to all the animals in the close vicinity. A huge smile coming onto her face when she felt the eagerness of little sparrows trying to feed their babies, the snakes slithering under the sand, the rats running through the red keep halls, the dragons roaring.

All of a sudden Aelana was hit by a huge of sadness, closing her eyes and focusing more on it, Aelana realize it was coming down from the dragon pit, in particular from syrax. Aelana opened her eyes and tilt her head, her eyes focused on the dome of dragon pit.

Why was syrax sad? she was only this sad when Caraxes left and daemon was here so there Caraxes was also here, so why was syrax in grief. Aelana sighed, making a note to tell Rhaenyra of her dragon sadness.

Rhaenyra, she hope that rhaenyra was alright and so was laenor, after their marriage last night. everything was chaotic.

Aelana walked to her bat tub and filled it with water, once the tub was filled with hot steaming water, Aelana pour what ever oils and leaves she could and then step in and sat down in her tub. sighing when the water hit all the sore spots, making her sigh in relief.

she was in tub for long enough and when the water started to turn cold, Aelana decided to rinse herself and get out.

Aelana decided that maybe daemon had gotten up early, after all he was a morning person unlike her. and she would found him, and they will talk to viserys about their marriage so she won't be forced to marry Jason Lannister and shipped away to Casterly rock.

she picked out a simple black dress and wore it, brushing her hairs and leaving them down to dry. Aelana put black kohl under her eyes and smiled at her reflection. feeling satisfied and bit hungry, Aelana walked towards the door.

opening it she walked out and saw the guard Jonah, stationed. she smiled at him and Jonah bowed down at her. "Morning Jonah" she started the conversation and Jonah wasn't shocked because she did have small conversation with him every other morning.

"Good Morrow High Lady" He bowed his head, replying to her using perfect and appropriate language, Aelana smiled "Have you seen Prince Daemon?"

"Prince daemon? No High Lady" Jonah shook his head than continued "He was seen going to dragon pit"

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