Ex and Why (E)

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 A white Honda city car comes and parks in the side of the lane, near the four ways.

The window glasses come down and Amar and Kaira are seated in the car.

Amar at driver's seat, and Kaira beside him. Amar looks towards Kaira, she was upset and pissed off.

Kaira removes the seat belt. "Thanks", Kaira says with a smile, looking towards him.

Amar nods and both sit. Looking ahead, towards the intersection of road.

After a few minutes, Karan comes there running, on the intersection, Kaira and Amar were watching him.

He looks around for a while, and calls Kaira.

In the car, Kaira looks at him, and as her cell starts ringing, she gets down the car, and calls him "Karan!".

Karan looks at her happily, and walks towards her, she also walks ahead. And meets him, in front of Amar's car.

They both don't even come near each other, Karan starts apologizing.

"Sorry sorry, I am really sorry, I am late, really late, but I tried coming asap (Amar also gets down from the car and comes to them)...but there was a lot of work, and the whole team was there so, but it's good that you came here...I was ...(he stops when Amar comes to them).

"Kaira I should leave now?" Amar asks Kaira.

"Hi...I am Karan." Karan forwards his hand for shaking.

"Amar" Amar says nodding, and shaking his hand.

"Oh!...hehe... oi he was there... then what's the tension" Karan says, knowing that Amar was there with Kaira. He stands there, smiling wide at them.

"YOU were not there, that's why I had to call him and ask him to come." Kaira says looking pissed off.

"Yes (Karan says embarrassed)...and yes he is from Pune only (he says to Amar)... (then he says to Amar) she had told me once, I remember...come on come on, all 3 will go for lunch...huh?" he says happily as if nothing was wrong.

Kaira looks at him in disbelieve.

"No... I need to meet a client (Karan says 'oh')...and now that you are here, I should leave" ('oh...Okay...Thank you' Karan says and they both again shake hands).

All this while, Kaira keeps looking at Karan.

"Wait Amar... don't leave" Kaira says, holding his hand, as he passes by her, Kaira still looking at Karan.

It was now that, Kaira and Karan were standing face to face, but Kaira's right arm was stretched backwards, holding Amar's hand, who was behind her, going towards the car.

Amar turns to look at her.

"what happened?...Kaira, why are you so angry, I told na recording was going on, I could not get out from there...really." he explains again, being his jovial self, Kaira and Amar keep staring at his face.

Karan looks at them, standing like that, then glances towards Kaira's hand, that was holding Amar's hand.

Understanding that Kaira was really and deeply upset about this, he says in serious tone "it's okay yaar, I had work, and I could not just leave and come...it's not a big deal" he ends with a light laugh.

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