Confrontations (E)

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Girijaa opens the door, and finds Karan on the door. She smiles widely at him, smirks at him, but seeing him not saying anything, not smiling and his cold demeanor. Her smile also falters.

Kaira was standing there, with her hands covered with henna up till her elbows. Girija was standing behind her, near a pillar, and Riya was standing close by, near the swing, holding on to that swing. Others had gone for some end moment shopping for the wedding.

Karan and kaira were standing face to face. Karan had his hands shoved into his pockets.

"I need to talk to you (he says looking at kaira) personally (he says looking towards girija and Riya , then looks towards kaira)" he was talking in a strict voice.

He clears his throat looking down.

"These two know everything" kaira says in a low voice.

Karan looks up kaira, shocked. "You can say here only" kaira continues.

He looks in disbelieve towards girija on his right, who looks down not able to look in his eyes. Then he turns to look at Riya on his left, she does the same.

Karan looks towards kaira, his face blank, he removes his right hand from the pocket and says " you say (he says pointing his hand towards her)" he asks her to say.

"What should I say Karan?" kaira says and Karan flips out on her.

"What should you say?!...I need an answer!...what have you decided? ..Only 3 days are left for the wedding...what are you doing?... what's this? (he points towards her hands) whose mehndi are you getting applied on your hands(kaira looks down at her hands)...getting mehendi applied on your hands, doing wedding shopping ... buying MANGALSUTRA...and for what?...for whom?...kaira ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND (he says, placing his fingers on the side of his forehead) you don't want to get married na, you have decided already..."

"Karan..." kaira says sternly

"What Karan?! (girija turns to look back, to check if someone is around to hear them) do you even know, how much ahead we are gone in this matter! you even understand that your and my family members have huge expectations from this wedding?, it's not about buying sarees and hall booking (he shows her palm, stopping her to say anything) it's about the emotions of the people...if they get to know tomorrow that you are not ready to marry, then what will happen to them? (he says pointing behind him)..Say Na!! What will happen to your mom dad (he says pointing towards her), what will happen to MY mom dad" (he says pointing to himself)

Kaira keeps looking at him with a blank face all the time but then interrupts him.

"1 minute, we have to spend the whole life together, it's not your mom or my dad's wedding, so whatever are the consequences only we have to manage that, Face that...okay" kaira says but Karan interrupts her.

"yes...but if you don't want to spend your life with me then say it...and say it before the life starts...are you understanding?! (Kaira stares at him blank, so Karan sighs loudly and asks pointing at his forehead) ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING ANYTHING?"

"look...look-look, how you are yelling at me (kaira says to Karan, Karan blinks confused for a while) you have never yelled at me like this, before this only, slowly slowly, all the shades will come out" kaira says.

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