~this might be a thing~

48 6 8

I don't know why I'm writing this here. I write so many things in so many places, though. I have all sorts of ideas just scattered everywhere. 

Hence the username. 

@ disorganized-galaxy. 

I don't know what I want to say right now. But I've been spending too much time on my phone and other devices (hey, though, some of it was for school).

But, um, I did find out that I got accepted to a college I applied to. So I guess that's nice. These sorts of things have somehow become both easier and harder at the same time. 

I submitted an application (technically 2, I guess) today as well. 

And now I'm going to read webtoons, read MiNRS 2, maybe sketch a little bit, and go to bed. My sister wants to get up at 3 again tomorrow. Probably ought to do laundry then too, huh? 

Saturday I have driving practice.

Soon it'll be Thanksgiving. I don't know what is happening to this year but I'm not ready for this. One of my close friend's sisters is literally old enough to drive now, technically. Insane. Okay, I mean, I didn't start driving at 15 so maybe that's why it feels weird to me? 

Not sure. 

Listened to some Imagine Dragons earlier. Love Mercury (Acts 1 & 2). NF earlier, as well. 

Probably should go, I've got 45 minutes till ten and have to wake up...I don't know, between 5 and 6 tomorrow. 

Because reasons. 

Good reasons, I guess, but I'm not a morning person. 

This concludes this journal entry. 

Not sure if I will ever publish it. 

I'll honestly probably forget about it. 

Who knows...

Written November 17th, 2022 

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