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Some things I remember about my dream last night (because somehow it's like 3 in the afternoon and I still remember my dreams, that doesn't happen a lot): 

I was on the ship from Fallen Order, the Mantis, and there were a bunch of animals on there. There was a big cat, a couple of little cats, and some other things I don't remember. I think they were supposed to be extra things you could unlock? But as far as I know, there was only that one animal you could have as a pet and I already got that. Also there may have been some type of bird. 

Then there was some family with two brothers. They lived in these, i don't know, hut kind of things? idk. But they made the structure out of sticks (logs?). The two structures were basically the same, except the one brother kept making his roof taller (I guess it was adjustable or something?). I think he also kept putting some flag thing on it, which was symbolic of...something or the other. Anyway they kept having this contest thing to see who could have the higher roof, which led to some kind of bitter rivalry. 

I guess someone was telling me about this because at that point I said something like, they had this whole rivalry because of something dumb like that? 

Oh yeah. And then there was someone else who had this whole tent thing made from the same type of stuff as those bags from IKEA. 

And then there was some spirit or something that wanted to talk to the Avatar because her home had been ruined by humans or something. And then she grabbed Aang (no idea when he got there)...also I guess she was really big. She was like, hey, I'm gonna squeeze this guy and he's gonna turn into water. Or he'll just die. But if he doesn't die I guess he's the Avatar. Even if he is the Avatar I'm still going to kill him!!

To which Katara responded: well, that doesn't make a lot of sense because if you kill him, he'll just be reborn as someone else. 

So she didn't kill him, but he get get turned into an Aang-shaped puddle. Then I think he was magically fine. But yeah, he had to do some quest for the spirit, which involved getting rid of one of the brothers' houses from earlier. I guess there were these plants that were growing underneath that were harmful to the spirit or something like that. So Katara (yeah, Katara, I don't really know how) earthbent the land that the guy's house was under, so the house was just floating on this cube of dirt in the air. Then Katara kept earthbending down to find out how deep the plants were.

I think they went pretty far. 

I don't remember if that problem was ever solved. But anyway, I was magically in my backyard (or maybe I had been there the whole time, it was unclear). I think my dogs were there, too (I mean, I haven't seen them in a week), but I think one of them died or something? 

Then there was...something else. But I can't remember what it was. There was other stuff that happened other places, though. Like, my mom was driving a car, with me in the passenger seat. Except...she was driving on the sidewalk. And hit another car. 

Okay, so: There was this girl I went to high school with who drove a pink car. I'm fairly certain my mom  hit that car. 

I think I know what that's about. I've had to cross a lot of streets to get to class and stuff, cause this school's like, literally in the middle of the biggest city in the state and every time I'm worried I'm gonna get hit by a car or something.

Then, later, I was at a store. All I remember about this store is that I overheard two of the workers talking about a thousand-dollar purse. Something about that attracts customers. 

That's all I remember from my dream last night, but I think I remember something from my dream two nights ago. It had something to do with this cat who wandered around my neighborhood (is it still mine if  I'm not currently living there?) Anyway, somehow he got in the way of the car as it was pulling into the driveway and got pretty badly injured. 

Then he went from being on the verge of death to being perfectly fine to somehow having all of his insides scooped out (for some reason it was kind of like...chicken?), to somehow being treated for that and being able to be just fine. 

That's all I've got for now about dreams. 

Actually, I'm feeling really sleepy all of a sudden. 

I don't have any more classes today. And I do need to take a break from screens. So..yay. 

Fr, why am I so tired? 



Oh, also, there may have also been something to do with Pokemon in there. It was unclear. 

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