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I thought I was working today, but it turns out I'm not. When I found out, I was relieved. Of course, I am working tomorrow. Turns out I looked at the schedule wrong and thought I was working today and not tomorrow. 

I was able to import my .psd file into Procreate (drawing app) on my iPad and do a little bit of work on my project for my art class. I'll have to email it to myself later so I can access it from school. Or something. There's probably an easier way to do it, honestly, but oh well. 

In a little bit I'm going to practice driving with my mom. I haven't been great at doing that regularly. And the few times I have gone driving with my mom...well, let's just say it didn't go too well. I may have hit a curb. And some trash cans. 

No one will let me forget, even though it was one time. 

I had an idea for a story/poem. Well, sort of. I might try to write it down later. I feel like I should at least try to write in one of my other stories I kind of forgot about, though. Maybe work on a fanfic idea. 

I actually heard someone talking about fanfiction in the bathroom at school today. Sorry, that was really random. But usually in the bathroom there are one of three things happening: 

1) girls looking at themselves in the mirror

2) girls vaping 

3) girls congregating together by the sinks and mirrors (or sometimes in the bigger stalls), on their phones or talking or sometimes even sitting on the ground...

Oh, remember when I said I'd been sitting alone at lunch because my friend stopped coming? Actually, I don't remember if I talked about that. But anyway, she's come to the cafeteria two days in a row. Which has been nice. 

Yesterday she told me she has a boyfriend (and it makes sense who it is, because I always see them walking together in the hallways and stuff), and I was all like dO yOU hAVE a sHIP nAME? 

I made one for her, actually. But I'm not going to resort to writing fanfiction like...certain people I know did about people at their school. Anyway. 

There are a lot more things I could write about, but I'm not sure how to say them. A lot of things keep happening in life, and I feel like I'm never prepared for them. 

I think I'm gonna try to finish my paper for government today. I could have finished it earlier but I kept putting it off. 

Also, I've been really tired today. I need to try to go to bed earlier. I don't even stay up crazy late or anything, but I'm supposed to be ready by like 6:30 a.m. and half the time I'm still in bed at 6. 

So. Yeah. 

I think I'm going to have to text someone about something later...it was unclear when the thing I was supposed to do was meant to be done by. 

There was something else-

Oh. Right. Laundry. 


My mind is a weird place to be on a regular basis, I'm not gonna lie. 

That's all I have for today. 


-the tired galaxy person 

Written February 22nd, 2023

It has been one year since "2's" day

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It has been one year since "2's" day.


Also its wierd looking at my old message board stuff. A lot of the people who replied on there have deleted their accounts now. Well not a lot. But some. And some aren't really active anymore.

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