~March 20th, 2023~

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I haven't updated this in a little bit. So...what to say?

Oh, I practiced driving today. The last time I did that was Saturday, and the last time before that was well...probably a while before that. 

I'm going to try to get my license before the end of this school year. I mean, I really could have gotten it already...I just feel like I hadn't practiced enough I guess. 

I had this realization today that in like six months, though, I'll be...well, definitely somewhere else in life. College, I guess. That's just wild to think about. 

Right now there is one college I'm leaning towards, though. They are offering me a lot more scholarship money than anywhere else. And it covers tuition at least. 

I played some Genshin Impact today. I had the game on my iPad for a couple months, but my brother kind of played it for me and then...I don't know why, but I didn't play it. I got it on my phone on Saturday, though. 

The graphics are cool. And so is the storyline. 

Oh, also on Saturday: I was wanting to draw on my iPad but couldn't find my charger. Yesterday my mom found it for me. 

So I got it charged up and I'm probably gonna draw a little bit before bed. 

If I hadn't played Genshin Impact, I probably would have more time now to read/write/draw, but it's fine. I think. Probably. 

I wish I could have made it to Art Night tonight. It's this thing that my class does every month. I missed the last one, too. 

But I had a doctor's appointment and it wouldn't have made sense...

Right now I'm reading the Wings of Fire series because my sister wanted me too. I started reading it when I was closer to her age, and kind of tried to reread it somewhat recently...

And now I'm actually gonna read the whole series. I don't care if that's somewhat childish of me...

I feel like a lot of the things I do/want to do are childish...

I mean, I have a lot of plushies, for one. 

But honestly, whatever. 

Also I've been eating probably too much sugar lately. 

Been trying to walk more too. 


Yeah, sorry if this has been kind of all over the place. 

Need to do a couple things before I go to bed. Don't wanna go to bed though, but yesterday I didn't go to bed till like 11. Did not wanna get up in the morning. 

I don't really have anything else to say...

Well, um. 

I kind of have a drawing idea. Should sketch it out on my iPad or sketchbook or something. 

Guess that's it...

Unless anyone reading this wants to download Finch~this self care app I use. If you do let me know so I can give you my friend code:)

And you get a little pet for your birb if I invite you. 

I try not to obsess over things...and I undoubtedly fail most of the time. 

It's a way to cope, what can I say?

With what...

Well, uh.

You know. 


What am I even writing about anymore?

Well if you're reading this thanks I guess. 

Hope you're doing okay. 

Written March 20th, 2023

I'm going to try a new thing for the titles and write the date as the title...

Not really my thing but I'll try it out, try to be more organized. 

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