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I probably had way too many cookies today. But it's fine, it's the holidays. Which, seriously, is still kind of weird to think about. I still need to get presents for people, but I've got time. 

Not that much, admittedly. 

I am honestly looking forward to Christmas, though. It hasn't always been the best experience, because of reasons I'd really rather not get into, but this year I think I'm definitely in a better mental state. 

Alright, let's see...

Okay. So. 

Today I found out I got accepted into another college. And I started filling out an application for a job. The other places I applied to haven't gotten back to me. The last time this happened, I actually went to the store and talked to the manager. I managed to get myself a job that lasted all of 3 days...

It was at Chipotle, so I got some free food, but it was not the best experience. 

The manager ended up just never getting back to me, and I didn't care enough to try to go back in person (I kinda had a couple panic attacks there so yay). Also I had gotten Covid, and then my mom, and it was just this whole big thing. 

I did apply to a bookstore, though. 2nd & Charles. That's honestly one of the few places I will actually spend money, and they have a lot of nerdy stuff there. So it would be cool if I end up working there. 

Oh, and I went to an art thing hosted by my Digital Art and Design class tonight. There were cookies, and I drew some. So that was nice. 

And I got 8,000 steps in. Less than 10,000, but more than I've been getting lately. I need to start actually getting up in the morning and going walking more often. 

I think that's all I really wanna talk about right now. 

I'll be back at some point. 



Written December 12th, 2022. 

(It's almost 2023!!??)

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