~more school~

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It's been a little bit since I updated this story. So I'll try to talk about how life has been a little bit.

My class does this Art Night every month. It's today, but I'm not going to be able to go. I'll be working tonight. One thing I definitely need to better at is knowing what things are coming up that I ask time off for.

Umm...let's see. I turned in my paper for Government, so that was good. And I've been at least semi-productive when I've had extra time at school. I watched a few of those videos for one of my classes and emailed a teacher about something.

I think I have a test/quiz Thursday for the play we've been reading. We haven't finished it yet though.

And tommorrow I'm going to give my presentation for my Black History Month project. But I wrote down what I basically am going to say. It won't be very long, either.

I might be able to practice driving today. Not sure though.

Oh! I rememberd something. I was able to have a friend over on Saturday and we played in a new Minecraft world. That was fun.

I hope I'll be able to do that again sometime. 

Also, I'm excited for Wednesday. Why? That's when the Mandalorian season 3 comes out. I'm assuming just one episode, though. But, hey, I've got that and the Bad Batch to look forward to. I'm working that day, though. So...I'll figure something out I guess.   

I feel like there was something else on my mind. There usually is. But I don't know what else to say right now. 

So I guess I'll just leave it at that. As always, thanks for reading :)


Written February 27th, 2023

Drifting ThoughtsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora